Spice it Up! (M)

43 1 0

Jimin & You

Genre: Fluffy Smut

Word count: 4,110 words


The images projected by the TV were a blur and you blinked several times, realising that you had let yourself get lost in your thoughts. Shifting your head ever so slightly to the left, you sneaked a glance at your husband, whose eyes were trained on the TV, unaware of your lack of attention tonight. You chewed on your lower lip, the plans that you were determined to carry out making you nervous, but you were going to do it no matter what.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

The affectionate nickname made you smile and boosted your confidence a little. He loved you just as much as you loved him, if not more. This gave you comfort, knowing that even if he didn't like what you wanted to try tonight, he would not feel hatred or disgusted towards you. He always made you feel safe and comfortable with voicing your thoughts.

And this was a thought that had been plaguing you for a while. It was a big one, to you at least.

You had only known Jimin for barely a year when you got married to him. Everything moved really quickly in your opinion but you had not regretted anything so far. He was kind, considerate, loving, and even though he was always busy, he made sure to spend as much time with you as he possibly could. He was a sweet man. Perhaps that was the problem; he was too sweet. You had only slept with him a couple of times before he asked you to marry him, and between that instance until you tied the knot, the two of you decided not to have sex so that your first night would be more special.

That was all good and fine with you, but after almost two years of being married to him, it came to your attention that Jimin only engaged in vanilla sex. Not that it was bad, on the contrary, Jimin made you feel incredible and never failed to make you come, but you wanted to try more. Neither of you had had many sexual partners before meeting each other, and you knew that he had not been very adventurous sexually, just like you. Truthfully, you had been looking forward to exploring things with him, but whenever you hinted at it, he brushed it off, seeming to prefer the usual way of making love; sex in the missionary position with a lot of kisses, nothing out of the ordinary. Even oral sex was often left out of the equation.

You wanted more, or at least you wanted to try more, and if giving him hints that had become blatantly obvious wasn't doing the job, well then, maybe it was time for you to take matters into your own hands. Besides, if you didn't try anything new, how would you know if you liked it or not? It was easier said than done, though. You were afraid that he would reject your attempts at trying something different outright, but you had to try.

"I - I need to go to the bathroom," you stuttered, mentally kicking yourself. If you were already this anxious now, how were you going to carry off what you had planned?

Luckily for you, Jimin didn't notice your strange behaviour, and he simply removed the arm that he had wrapped around your shoulders so you could get up. You forced yourself to walk calmly into your shared bedroom, grabbing the things you needed for now and headed into the bathroom to change. You were glad for the full-length mirror that Jimin had installed inside, admiring your reflection in it. You had always had confidence in your figure; you knew you looked good and you knew that Jimin adored your body. That gave you a confidence to walk out back into the living room, where he was still sitting on the couch watching a movie.

Instead of returning to your seat beside him, you stood behind the couch and reached for his shoulders. He let out a soft moan when you started massaging his tense muscles, enjoying the sensation for a while, but before he could turn around to look at you, you placed your hand on his cheek and kept him facing forward.

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