Eternal Summer (M)

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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Loads of Angst | Fluff mixed in between | Smut | Childhood friends to lovers AU
Warnings: Language | Alcohol | Masturbating | Rough sex | Public sex
Word Count: 39k+ words

Breaking up with my boyfriend leaves an empty spot on the overseas vacation that I had been looking forward to for a long time. I'm torn between abandoning the trip or going it solo when someone offers to tag along. However, having Jimin, my best friend go with me may not be the best idea — since my crush on him has never gone away.

Author's Note:
This is my fic for the 'The Summer Bucketlist' writing event on Twitter with 'Go sightseeing on a vacation' as my prompt.

This grin just can't be wiped off my face. While I'm aware that people passing by me are shooting me weird looks thanks to my humming, I don't want to stop for their sake. I can barely hold myself from skipping down the street, lined with leafy trees on one side and boutique stores on the other – I'm that excited. The merciless rays of the late sun are welcome on my skin after weeks of slaving away even more than usual at work just so I can enjoy this long awaited vacation. It has completely paid off, since I've managed to settle everything I needed to with one day to spare. Everyone – myself included – expected me to be toiling away until the last minute. I even packed my luggage in advance, little by little, whenever I could, since I didn't think I would have time to do it. So, with everything ready and time to spare, I head towards the only place I could think of going when I don't know what to do with myself.

After making a stop at Se Hoon's favourite restaurant to order take-out for dinner, I continue on my way towards his apartment. Since I plan to make this a surprise visit, he might still be working. Still, another glance at my watch convinces me that he will definitely be at home. Se Hoon prefers to work from home, so unless there's work that he must settle at the office, he's usually home by this time, even if he has to continue working there. It might mean that I'll be shooed away while he finishes, but I don't care. I'm content to just watch him as I eat my dinner. As long as I'm with him. We'll be going together on vacation the day after tomorrow, but there's no harm in starting early, is there? Plus, I've been too busy to see him lately. And the few scant times I could manage to get some time off, he would be busy instead. It seems like we've been missing each other for a while now, and I just miss being with someone.

Another fifteen minutes of walking and an elevator ride to the eighteenth floor later, I arrive in front of Se Hoon's dark brown apartment door. I hesitate, wondering if I should let myself in or announce myself first. It has been a while since I've arrived here on my own, but recalling the times he got grumpy because he was interrupted to open the door for me way in the beginning of our relationship, I pressed the keys to unlock his door. No sense making him stop whatever he's doing and come for me when I can open the door on my own.

Although I've been telling myself that I'm perfectly happy just to be in his presence this evening, my lips purse into a disappointed pout when I notice a pair of unfamiliar women's black pumps at the entrance. It's rare for Se Hoon to have visitors to his house, other than myself, but I suppose it's safe to say that he isn't done with work. At least his co-worker is willing to come over, so he doesn't have to stay in the office. Otherwise I'd have arrived at an empty house.

Not wanting to interfere with his work by calling out, I kick off my similar, but lower, heels next to hers and start making my way inside. It has been a while since I'd had time to visit, but the surroundings are pretty much the same as I remember it from last time. Neither of us are the type of people to periodically arrange furniture, or make any changes at all, for that matter. Some people may find it boring, but I'm comfortable in its familiarity.

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