It's Complicated.

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Everything that once was simple was now complicated. Matty’s best friend had kissed me. And Matty didn’t want me to be his girlfriend. Cuz he already had one. And no matter how much I wanted her to disappear, she wouldn’t. She was real and she had a name. Olivia. As expected, it was prettier than mine.

Making matters worse, turns out Kyle did work in the office and was in a tribute band. Kyle flip-out was completely unnecessary.  If there were an Olympic sport of giving people something to talk about, I would definitely medal. Turns out, I had been smoking the emotional crack pipe and I needed to take a drastic 12 steps back to recovery. I already acknowledged I had a problem. So I decided to skip the middle steps and go straight to number nine—making amends.

After clearing up the Kyle situation, my life was still complicated. I liked Matty. Matty liked Olivia. Jake liked me. Jake was dating Lissa. Lissa was best friends with Sadie, who wanted me dead. Even if I had tried to make a coherent chart of this situation, I still wouldn’t have been able to wrap my head around it. And it felt like I was constantly treading on a fault line that was about to create a social earthquake. I didn’t know how the hell I had become the epicenter, but the potential disasters that could result from it were….best not thought about. 

AWKWARD JENNA HAMILTON'S DIARYWhere stories live. Discover now