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"Papa," A four year old boy with blonde hair reached up to the dusty desk, trying to catch the attention of his father who was focused on drawing a new design on his paper. The little boy held out his right hand, which had a peculiar, gray ring around his ring finger. "The ring. Look! It glows."

In the middle of the gray jewelry was an empty shape of a circle. Usually, it has the same color as the rest of the surface, but sometimes, it glows in the color of green, and in the shape of a cat's paw. No one knows why it does such a thing, but Adrien had always thought that it was part of the design, and he always found it entertaining. And he'd always tell his father. Today was one of those days.

"Yes, Adrien. I know it glows. You've told me that countless of times already," Gabriel Agreste, his father, stated, not being able to resist the smile on his face. The man was incredibly hard to distract especially when he's too focused and drawn into his work, but he never had the heart to ignore his beloved son.

"But papa," Adrien whines, walking around the table to finally stand beside his father, "why can't I take it off? It's annoying. It's not comfortable. And it's ugly."

Gabriel took down his pencil and looked down at his son, who was so small and so fragile. His dull eyes immediately looked pained, as if he didn't like what he sees; that he didn't like the fact that his son had that particular ring on his finger. They've tried everything they could to take it off, but nothing happened. There had been no changes at all, and there wasn't even a slight movement of the ring. It just stayed there, as if it were never going to leave until the end of time.

The ring had always been there since Adrien's birth. He was welcomed to the world during the evening, with the moon illuminating the new born's every feature, and his right hand glowed like the brightest star. During that time, his mother lost her life, and his finger earned a ring.

"I know, Adrien," Gabriel stated, picking up his son, and placing him on his lap. He wrapped both of his arms on his son and engulfed the little boy in a warm embrace. "But it will all make sense soon, when you're old enough. You just have to be patient."

"You always say that, papa," Adrien pouted, glancing at his ring once more. He didn't mention how it glows almost every night while he's asleep, and that it sometimes felt like it was burning through his skin. It felt like something was holding him back from saying it; as if those words were forbidden and were never meant to be talked about.

"Because it's true," Gabriel stated, chuckling as he ruffled his son's hair. "And I will continue saying it until you finally get it. Now you should go to bed. It's late, and you have school tomorrow."

Little Adrien nods and hops onto the floor, not creating the usual thud on the ground. It seemed to be a special talent of his, being exceptionally quiet. He tried jumping from his bed and landing hard on the floor on purpose once, but still, his body, nor the floor, created no sound at all.

"Oh, Adrien?"

The little boy stopped walking towards his room and swiftly turned around at the sound of his name. He looks up at Gabriel Agreste, who was unusually slouching on his chair. Adrien took the time to study his father.

He seemed to look old for a man in his late twenties. Adrien hasn't really looked at other old men in his life, but he was certain that twenty year old men don't get laugh lines that deep. Even when Gabriel Agreste was doing his usual stone face, the lines at the sides of his mouth seemed to be so visible already. Probably because he was frowning too much; he rarely ever laughs, except when Adrien comes up with a silly little joke.

"Yes papa?" Adrien replied.

There was a long pause when Gabriel suddenly smiled, which surprised the kid. It was a different kind of smile; there was so much warmth, so much love, that the little kid who grew up in a household who wasn't really fond of affection found it confusing. Nevertheless, Adrien liked the feeling of warmth, especially when it's coming from his father. He doesn't really remember his mom; she died after he was born.

"I love you, son," Gabriel said. Adrien was taken aback by the words that escaped from his father's mouth. It was the first time he heard that. It sent a little tug on his heart, a little jump in his stomach, a flush on his cheeks, and a smile on his face. It was rare of Gabriel Agreste to show such affection, even towards his son.

"Love you too, papa," Adrien replied and smiled back, hoping it would reach the level of warmth his dad was giving. But even though he felt indescribably happy of the little moment they spent, there was still this feeling inside of him that made his stomach churn in a bad way. Gabriel acted and said those words with so much . . . so much feeling, so much emotion . . . as if he was saying goodbye.

But Little Adrien was still too young to read between the lines. He cherished the little exchange. He tried to memorize his father's smile, so that it would be imprinted in his mind forever.

The morning after that, he woke up to his father hanged on the ceiling, pale and lifeless, and with a letter placed on the desk.


wrote this at 2 am on a school night. i regret nothing

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