Chapter 1

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You turned off the light in you room and your eyes quickly adjusted due to all the candles you had lit up. You carefully arranged them in two wing-shaped sections and stood in the middle. "Well...there is no way back now," you quietly murmured to yourself. Your fingers skipped through many pages of the ancient book you had recently bought, stopping when you found the section you were looking for. You let out a deep sigh, straightening your back and you started to chant the spell that was written on the page. Slowly dread started to creep in as you realized that you might have made a very big mistake.

Taehyung was lounging lazily on his sofa; eyes closed and completely emerged in the music that he was listening to. In the last couple of decades he had become increasingly bored. Less and less people believed in Heaven and Hell, angels and demons; making his life incredibly dull. Being a demon had its perks; he could have fun on Earth and mess with humans, but only to a certain extent. No, the real fun happened years ago, when people summoned demons and exchanged their soul for their heart's desires. Taehyung smiled thinking about all the wild adventures he had with those stupid humans, they were so easily swayed by him. He missed those days, now most of his days consisted of torturing souls in Hell. He missed the thrill he experienced when he used to be summoned.

Still deep in his thoughts, Taehyung shot up as he heard a familiar, yet almost forgotten sound. He rushed towards his night table and picked up his phone. His heart was racing in excitement and as he saw the message pop-up on his screen, a broad smile appeared on his face. "Finally, my prayers have been answered," he chuckled with his deep voice. "Let's have some real fun!" He exclaimed and vanished in a dark purple mist.

Taehyung opened his eyes; he had appeared at the address that was written on the text message. When looking up he saw a dark room lit with candles. The room was small, but cosy. He noticed soft pastel colours and a small heart-shaped plushie on the bed, guessing that it must have been a girl's room. As he turned around, his suspicions seemed to have been correct. His eyes met with one of the most beautiful girls he had seen in a long VERY long time. You gasped and your eyes widened when you took him in. He had jet-black wavy hair, slightly covering his eyes. He wore an all-black tight fitted suit, showing off his figure. He noticed you gawking at him and a dark smirk appeared on this face, he looked at you with hooded eyes. "Well hello little human, what is your name?" He asked with his shockingly deep voice. "I-" Before you could even answer, another dark purple cloud appeared.

From the purple cloud, another jaw-droppingly gorgeous male walked out. He had light blond hair which was styled to the side, showing off his forehead. He locked eyes with you and you instantly felt hypnotized by them. He must have noticed his effect on you, as his plump lips curved in a smirk. He kept on walking towards you while not breaking eye contact, making your knees feel weak. Just when he was about to grab your hand, Taehyung walked in front of you, stopping him from reaching you. "Park Jimin, what the hell are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, annoyance clearly lacing his voice. Jimin seemed unimpressed by Taehyung's questions, he simply stood there and grinned at him. "Kim Taehyung, I know business has been quite low for you lately, have you resorted to stealing other demons' souls now?" He asked with a wicked smile, enjoying the position he was in.

Taehyung felt his blood boil, he and Jimin had been rivals for millennia, but to suggest that he would steal someone else's client was a new low, even for him. "Park, maybe you should check your own phone instead, because you are bothering MY soul right now," Taehyung said while gritting his teeth. Jimin moved closer, hatred clearly filling his eyes; "Are you suggesting that I am lying Kim?" He growled, "I f*cking dare you to say that I am lying" "You know what Park, I am tired of your bullshit, let's get this over with, once and for all," Taehyung challenged. You just stood there looking in shock at the two demons. Reality finally set in when the two became more and more hostile towards each other, forcing you to step in.

"Wait!" You screamed, "you are both right; I summoned both of you." Both demons finally looked at you and you saw the confusion clearly on their faces. "I summoned you both for a reason..." You uttered. Taehyung turned towards you, making sure he blocked Jimin's view of you. "Little human, you summoned me first, why did you bother to summon HIM?" He asked with a frown. "I can give you anything you want, you don't need that excuse of a demon." You squared your shoulders and with as much confidence as you could you said:

"I want you both to bid for my soul, the highest bidder gets my soul." 

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