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"So, your name is y/n, and you're from where again?" You gulped. "F-From the woods" the man sitting in front of you was Jin, better known as the leader. You couldn't risk telling him you're from the shelter or he'll send you back, or worse... take advantage of you. You didn't trust anyone here after he told you they were agents. Who knew, they were probably the same agents that came to sleep with the girls back at the shelter.

"Look here, whatever your name is. I told you everything about this place and we don't just go around saying those stuff so believe me when I say I told you more than enough about us and you.... you seem to not even tell me where you're from. The only thing you told me was your name and you're probably lying about it too"

"I told you I'm from the woods"

"So you lived in the woods? No one can survive for more than a week in there!" Yeah he's right, if you didn't scream, you'd probably be bitten by that snake. You sighed. Was it really worth telling? You can't just trust him, not after you found out what he is and what he does.

"I just.... I need time, I don't trust you yet" to your surprise, he nodded. "Take your time, I'm not going to force you to trust me y/n... if that's your actual name" "yes it is, I didn't lie about that one"

"So you lied about where you came from? Seems like you don't want to go back" he chuckled. "Yeah I don't" his face lit up as soon as you said that.

"Okay no pressure but if you want, you can stay here, we'll train you and you'll be able to go out and hunt and stuff" yeahh.. no thank you. " I could die" you said.

"Not really, I'll only let you out in the field when you're trained enough" "so what do you guys do in the field?" "You know I can't just tell you that, I told you enough and you only gave me a name, not even your age, or your family" he was right. It wasn't fair for me to know so much while he only knows my name. "Okay one question" he held up a finger. "No y/n, I'll stop here"

"I understand" you lowered your head. "Now it's up to you, do you want to leave or stay here and become strong like one of us?"

Do I? I could protect myself.

"I do" "okay well just know there's no backing out, I'm giving you the chance to step away from all this now" if I try to leave they'll definitely kill me. "So I'm going to ask you again y/n, do you want to leave or stay?"

You stayed silent. If you agree, you'll never be able to leave. "Are you going to protect me?" "Always" why was he smiling about all this? "Then I'm going to stay" "were you on the run, you seem uneasy" "sorta"

"Well, you're safe here I can guarantee you that" he smiled once more before picking up the phone. "Yeah I need Yeeun" he hung up and turned towards you. "Yeeun will show you where you'd stay from now on, get some sleep because tomorrow you'll learn about this place"

"r-right away?" "Well yeah, you're not here to just chill" The door them opened revealing a girl. She has short blonde hair and she wore black ripped jeans with a plain back T-shirt. "You needed me?" She said. "Yes, show y/n tzuyu's old bunker"

She turned towards you with a blank expression and nodded. You stood up and followed her as the two of you walked out of Jin's office.

"So you'll be staying here, a dead girl's bunker" "dead??" "Yeah she was pretty well known around here and a friendly reminder, don't go out looking for friends, People aren't so nice here" and with that she left. Like I want to be friends with perverts.

"Come in" Jin yelled out. Jungkook stepped in before placing himself on the seat across from Jin. "I need you to do an important job for me. Well, more like a huge favor" "what is it?" Jungkook said with a blank expression.

Agent 109 - JUNGKOOK Where stories live. Discover now