The Letter

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My hand trembled as I wrote one letter to my friends and one to my family.

<I'm sorry, so sorry. But I can't,>

A single tear rolled down my cheek. Why am I doing this?

~Series of Flashbacks~

~I twisted my lock in the rhythmic clicking of my combination. 10-2-8. With a pop, the lock fell apart, allowing me to access my locker. As I put my books away, something hit my head. I looked back. A crunched up paper ball lay innocently on the floor. I picked it up and flattened it out, and saw two words. Two words that I can't stand to write. Two words that made tears well up in my eyes. I'm not saying what those words were. But they will forever haunt my memory.~

~I stood in the lunch line, waiting for my turn to get food. I was thinking about the math test I was taking next hour. I was so absorbed in thought, I didn't notice how quiet the large group of boys behind me was, when moments before they were screaming and yelling like no tomorrow. Suddenly a hand grabbed me and pulled me back.

I yelped and squirmed out of the grasp. I turned to see Bradley, a football player, with his team around him. He smiled at me, it didn't reach his eyes. I looked around a teacher, but there were none in sight. There were only kids all around us, all oblivious to what was going on. Bradley came at me again, and placed a hand on my mouth. Hands reached in from all around me. I cried out, but no one heard.

Finally I found a break in the circle of boys and pushed my way out. Tears streaming down my face, I heard the laughter of the boys as I rushed to the nearest girls bathroom. I locked myself in the corner stall and sobbed.

I missed my math test.~

~Working in Personal Wellness, I was sitting next to Brianna and her best friend Ashley. I was talking to a girl on my other side, when Brianna interrupted.
"Your talking to the loser! What is wrong with you!" She continued to make comments all through class. Slowly getting worse and worse, the snide remarks started to get to me. The girl had stopped talking to me after the first round of insults. No one was even looking at me. Not even my friends.

I was alone~

~End of Flashbacks~

<I'm sorry, so sorry. But I can't go on. I'll miss all of you. My life means nothing anymore. Goodbye>

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