Chapter Three

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After a couple more hours of working out, it was time to train the rookies. And that meant seeing Levi Ackerman again.

You strut out to the training grounds to see that everyone was there; except for Levi.

"Tch," you scoff. "Can someone please get Ackerman? Zoë! You do it."

Hanji Zoë happily salutes and frolicks off to find Levi.

"Everyone else, partner up! We're doing sparring, okay?"

Everyone does as you say. After a couple minutes, Hanji and Levi return. "Thanks, Zoë. Find a partner please. As for you, Ackerman, you're with me."

"What're we doing, Corporal?" Levi asks in a sassy tone. Ignoring it, you reply, "Hand to hand combat sparring."

After that, you get everyone's attention. "Listen up, brats!"

"Alright. I won't be easy on you today. Do you think the titans out there will be? Because I'm sure as hell they won't. You will want to cry. You will want to give up. You will want to quit. But guess what? I won't fucking let you. So get all of your goddamn acts together, tough it out, and prove to me that you are beneficial to humanity, and not just titan grub."

The chatter silences and all of the recruits look at you. "Good. The first move you'll learn is very simple. Just an opposite side punch."

You demonstrate by putting your left foot in front of your right foot, about a shoulder width apart. "Whichever foot is in the back is the side you punch with. Ackerman! Come here."

Levi rolls his eyes but obeys. He steps in front of you, mimicking your sparring stance. "Good," you say, before throwing a punch that hits him in the gut, forcing him to the ground.

"Dammit!" Levi yells. "You made me dirty!" And with that, he counters by jabbing you in the face, which you swiftly block. Furiously, he roundhouse kicks you, but you block that as well, while maintaining composure. "Ackerman," you demand.

"What, you bitch?"

You bend down to see his filthy face. "I don't give a single shit if you're dirty. By the way, it would do you some good to be more stoic. Emotions only get in the way." You stand up and start walking off. "Also, we were only demonstrating an opposite side punch, not free sparring. You're such a dumb brat. Everyone else is dismissed. We shall resume training in ten minutes. As for you, Ackerman, I expect to see you at my office tonight at eight, not a second early, not a second late.

<<Around 10 minutes later>>

You rally up all the recruits. "Hey!"

Everyone looks back at you. "Thank you. I think I've seen enough of your sparring to make me wanna feed myself to the titans. You, however, are going to make sure that doesn't happen."

One of them, a young girl no older than fourteen raises her hand. "Excuse me, Corporal (y/n), but what's that supposed to mean?"

"Glad you asked," you say. "If you hadn't, I'm pretty sure everyone here would fuck up. Anyways, what I mean is that you're going to show me what you've learned at the Cadet Corps. We are going to a secluded forest used exclusively for training you. I want to see how all of you would work in the battlefield. I'm going to have you work on killing dummy titans."

Everyone slowly gets equipped in the 3DMG and everyone takes a horse. You lead the pack of recruits up a path and within an hour, you get to the forest.

You have everyone tie their horses to a post. "Okay, let's do this. Since there's seventeen of you, we'll have one group of eight and another of nine. Go ahead and sort yourselves out into whichever group you want. You have one minute."

The recruits scurry along to get into their groups. What pissed you off was how much giggling was going on. All of them wanted to be in the same group as their friends or something. It was absolutely stupid and arrogant, especially considering that they don't get to choose which squad they are chosen for.

Out of the top three, Mike was in one group, and Hanji and Levi were in another.

"Okay," you say, getting everyone's attention. You gesture over to Mike's group. "You guys are group one. The rest of you are group two. Got it?"

Scattered "Yes, sirs!" Came from them which did not please you. You yell at them, "It needs to be in unison! We're a team, so everyone acts together!"

And with that, a single, "Yes, sir!" is heard from the entire group.

You quickly demonstrate what to do. "Hold your blades upwards then..."

You swiftly launch your maneuvering gear and take a perfect slice out of one of the dummies.

Pleased, you say, "Good. Now group one, you're first. You have half an hour to get rid of all the dummy titans in there. There's a total of seventy two dummies, and your time starts now."

Surprisingly, they worked pretty well and pretty fast. They were able to form a plan and finished with the dummies in a total of around twelve minutes. The recruit with the highest number of kills was Mike, with sixteen. When everyone asked how he did it, he simply said, "I could smell them."

After that, you had the first group replace the foam on the napes of the necks of the titan dummies. That foam was what they would cut into.

Group two is dismissed to do their turn. You tell them, "There's more of you, so use that to your advantage. You should be able to beat group one, in fact, you should be able to do it in ten minutes. How about this; any longer, even one second, and you all have to run laps. Time starts, now!"

They run off, a smirk on your face. You decide to go with them, just to see what would happen.

You overhear Hanji telling everyone a plan. Certain people are assigned to different sections of the forest and they take off. Hanji really surprised you. Her battle plans were outstanding and she obviously knew what she was doing. Right now, Hanji Zoë was at the top of your list of people you wanted on your squad. The others on that list were Mike and a recruit named Roshan, and most definitely not Levi.

Hanji definitely stood out by the end. She'd "killed" fourteen dummies. It wasn't as good as Mike, but still really good. There was one person, however, who couldn't kill a single one.

That person was Levi Ackerman. "Ackerman!" You yell. "What the hell's your problem?! It shouldn't be too hard to kill dummy titans. Do it again."

Levi goes again, launching his gear like a pro, but barely cutting the surface of the foam. "Shit!" He yells. "I give up on this crap!"

He takes one of the blades and flips it around until it faced him. He gripped it in a way like he was going to kill himself. Not that you cared.

He launches the gear once again, cutting a perfect slice out of the titan.

He lands back on the ground and flips his hair out of his face. "That's better," he says proudly.

You March over to him and grab him by his shirt collar. "What the hell was that, Ackerman?! Hold the damn blades like I told you to!"

You sort of felt bad doing this, since his maneuvering skills were outstanding to say the least, but the way he held his blades were incorrect.

"Ackerman! What part of 'hold the blades upwards' don't you fucking understand?!"

"Tell me this, Corporal (y/n)," he says cooly through his teeth. "What's wrong with that if it's, what did you call it, 'beneficial to humanity?'"

He walks off without being dismissed, leaving you behind. You grit your teeth. He really pissed you off, but for some reason, you kinda liked it.


Those were the first three chapters! What'd you think? Please leave a comment letting me know if I should keep writing it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow (I follow back!)

~Chrissie-chan <3

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