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Annyeong Haseyo, I mean hello, that's Korean though I am not Korean. I have this affinity towards languages so, yeah for some drama I love to use different languages for words to have the impact, and I hope you like to that. But why am I starting this narration with a word in different language? Well, because that's where this story ends and the ending is always the beginning, isn't it? Also, this is an anonymous story that is; I won't give any idea of where this whole story takes place (I mean country or city) or surnames to my characters because I don't want to put them into any community, because I believe that no name is entitled to any country or religion.
Well, I always loved dramas and stories but I only realised how much of my own life was dramatic when I was older. My school life wasn't any less than those in Hollywood movies, we had jocks, and we had cliques and nerds. Same old same high school life which is: shit. Which category I fell in? Well, I was a geek, a story geek, and literacy nerd. I wasn't a scorer though. I sucked in scoring marks, still do.
I was pretty boring, I had my own gang of friends who were pretty cooler than me, but things did change when I hit 17, in junior year, things changed. Things always change when you are seventeen.
I had changed and honestly my life changed, since. I made choices, wrong ones and right ones and if I could do it all again I guess I won't change anything.

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