Chapter One

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Taking a deep breath Amelia made her way downstairs to where her mother was shouting her from, walking in to her surprise there was her sister. "Did someone die" she asked sarcasm seeping through, Emily rolled her eyes wondering how she ended up with two sarcastic daughters. "No, no one has died, your sister came to say hello, and she's coming on Friday for Dinner with Rory"

"But I have plans mother" Amelia replied. "Well cancel them."

"Eurgh!" She sighed spinning on her heels storming out the room.

- - - - - -
Friday night came around quickly, too quickly for Amelia's liking, and apparently they were having champagne, which Amelia still has no clue why, and also how tall Rory is, she's 5'7. So what.

Everyone was sat around the table eating awkwardly till Emily broke the silence "Rory, how do you like the lamb?"

"It's good."

"Too dry?"

"No, it's perfect."

Then Lorelai decided to try and make a joke "Potatoes could use a little salt, though."

Not pleasing Emily "Excuse me?"

"So, Grandpa, how's the insurance biz?"

"Oh, people die, we pay. People crash cars, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay."

Another joke by Lorelai "Well, at least you have your new slogan."

"And how are things at the motel?" Questioned Richard

"The inn? They're great."

"Lorelai's the executive manager now. Isn't that wonderful?"

"Speaking of which, Christopher called yesterday." (Lorelai's baby daddy)

"Speaking of which? How is that a speaking of which?"

"He's doing very well in California. His Internet start-up goes public next month. This could mean big things for him. [to Rory] Very talented man, your father."

"She knows." Lorelai was really done with this conversation

"He always was a smart one, that boy. [to Rory] You must take after him."

"Speaking of which, I'm gonna get a Coke. Or a knife."

Amelia decided she was done with this conversation asked to be excused while her mother and sister argued in the kitchen. Also apparently Rory's going to chilton now.

She can't wait for her to meet Paris.

- - - - - -
The weekend came and went in a blink of an eye and it was Monday morning, and Emily decided she was going to go to Chilton not for her daughter but to greet her granddaughter.

All though nothing was more weirder than Amelia seeing her friends sat on the grass near the bushes outside the offices window

"What are you's doing?" She questioned them "new girl here, reading file" Paris responded as she grabs the file "Lorelai Gilmore" she mutters, "nice stripper name" her best friend Louise responds, Paris holds her hand up silencing them "wait, Gilmore? As in Amelia Gilmore, got something to tell us Amy?"
Rolling her eyes at Paris, "she's my niece, sister got pregnant at 16, month later mom gets pregnant as well, bippity boppity boo, nine months later out comes Rory, then a week later me" flipping her hair at the end.

Deciding she was done with this conversation about her niece which sounds so weird to say because technically Rory is older than her she walks off, leaving Paris, Louise and Madeline muttering about stars hollow.

Walking down the hallways, she feels someone pull her to the side, scowling when she finds it is her on and off but currently ex boyfriend Tristan staring down at her "miss me" he smirks

"Not really" she says turning to leave only for Tristan to pull her back by her waist and planting his lips on hers. Now Amelia is strong willed girl and will stand up for herself but her weakness is Tristan. Most definitely his lips. Deepening the kiss as their tongues meet, only for her to jump away when the bell rings. "That's the last time, we broke up for good remember!" As she walks off quickly.  Bringing her fingers to her lips as a small smile graces her face, which disappears as she enters the classroom to see Rory.

They were currently talking about Dickens and only Paris was answering questions, only to be interrupted by the door opening and Tristan walks in winking to Amy. Rolling her eyes she tries her hardest not to smile (she fails).

"Ah, Mr. Dugray."


"Nice to have you back. I hope your Grandfather's better."

"Much better, sir."

"Good. Take your seat, please."

As Tristan walks over to his seat behind Amy he notices Rory, whispering to her "Who's that?"

"New girl."

"Looks like we got ourselves a Mary." Tristan retorts gaining a laugh from some other students.

As they leave the classroom once the bell rings, Amy notices Paris grilling Rory, feeling a bit sorry for her she decides to intervene, walking up to the pair "Paris, leave Rory alone, we need to talk" Paris not liking the fact she was interrupted...

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As they leave the classroom once the bell rings, Amy notices Paris grilling Rory, feeling a bit sorry for her she decides to intervene, walking up to the pair "Paris, leave Rory alone, we need to talk" Paris not liking the fact she was interrupted glares at Amy but decides to leave it alone, walks off.

"So, how has your first day been so far?"

"Ok I guess if you call being questioned if I was going for the franklin, called 'mary' and given a binder that I'm supposed to catch up on as ok"

"Well chilton isn't easy, and Paris is well Paris and Tristan is annoying and my ex which says more about me than him, look this school isn't easy and I'm not going to lie and say it is, but from what my mom you're grandmother has said you're smart, you'll fit in and you can borrow my notes since you know we're family and all can't have you making the Gilmore name look bad"
Taking a note of Rory's scared face at the last comment "that was a joke Rory" handing her notes to Rory she leaves her standing in the hallway, trying to comprehend what on earth just happened.

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