Part 1

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"Hey, Hero! Come on!" You shout up the large tree at your friend, who is lazily leaning against the trunk, sitting on one of the large branches. 

"Ehhhehehhh!" He moans, sitting up and grabbing hold of more tree limbs to help him make his way down. He lands on his two feet firmly right beside you. "Where is this thing again?" He asks, his lazy side out in the open for all to see. 

"Really?! I thought I told you like five times already!" Your head tilts. He just shrugs. "Apparently five times wasn't enough for you." You roll your eyes. Hero smiles and grabs the pick he had resting against the tree and swings it up over his left shoulder.

"Lead the way, Ocelot." He laughs, provoking you to stick your tongue out at him. You then begain walking along the small path which swerves through the thick forest you and your friends had claimed as your, "secret meet-up area," or, put simply, the "SMA." As you and Hero swat away low hanging branches, you take the liberty of explaining to him what he had missed. 

"Rian and Soax both came up with a great idea about a week ago for us to go to the special event today, as a group. I heard there will be a lot of different games to play and fun prizes to win. I figured that with your good aim, you would really like the tossing games. I heard there will also be cotton candy, and hotdogs, and, and." You turn around to see if you can see Hero's reaction. He looks a little glossed over, as if worried about something a little bit. "Is something wrong?" You ask. His head shakes quickly. 

"Oh. No, not at all. I just get nervous around lots of people, I guess." A little shrug combines with a nervous smile, making you giggle. 

"Hu, I never knew that before. You always seemed just fine in crowds before. Are you suuuure?" You ask, now walking entirely backwards. 

"Uh, yeah. I think I would know where I do and don't feel uncomfortable." Another shrug. You laugh. He shrugs so much, you wonder if he was born shrugging or something. "Uh-hey, (Y/n)! Look out!" You turn around just in time for you to face-plant into a birch tree. Hero catches you by the arms right as you are falling, and you clumsily get your weight back onto your feet. 

"Oh-h, thanks." You stroke some hair out of your face in your time of embarassment. 

"Heh. Clumsy Ocelot." Hero smirks. 

"Humpf!" You pretend to pout, crossing your arms and giving the pouty lip. You hear more chuckling from Hero as he passes you by, knowing your little games already. You step back onto the path, speed walking so you are directly beside him. He looks at you through the corner of his eye, a small smile coming onto his face. You smile back, knowing exactly what he is thinking. 

"Race ya!" You bolt forward right away, knowing that every second ahead is an advantage you are going to have to fight to keep. Hero's footsteps are not far behind you, and it stays that way as the two of you run through the forest, catching sight of more and more birch trees until you guys are in a birch forest. Right as you two enter the new forest, the trees suddenly cut off, making way for a thriving town to stand tall and proud. It is a very big town; almost a city, but not quite there yet. Hero passes you just before you two get to the finish line: the sidewalk marking the first hint of civilization. You frown a little, knowing he had only stayed behind to give you false hope for success, again! Still, you show good sportsmanship and laugh, panting so hard that your laughs are more like pleads for oxygen. Hero pants quite a bit too, his dark brown hair falling into his face, collecting the sweat on his forehead. He then looks up at you with a cocky smile. "Alright, I get it. I get it. Don't have to rub it in." You laugh. 

"Ha, no one challenges the mighty Herobrine!" He sais aloud, making you laugh even more. 

"Hey, guys! That was quick!" Soax shouts from further down the road, the rest of the gang behind him. He catches your smiles and begains chuckling to himself, probably trying to imagine the conversation you two just had. "Come on! You guys don't want to be late, now do you?!" He motions for you two to join, and you do. Pretty soon you all run into Rian, the "leader of the gang," though all you guys really do is play out in the forest, do pranks on one eachother, and talk about deep life stuff for no real reason other than that you're all there for each other. 

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