One bed

137 11 4

Roger's pov

"I can't believe Freddie," Brian said to me, "He's taken all the pillows and used them as a bed for Deaky. Now we're left with one pillow and a blanket."

"Well, I guess we'll have to share a pillow as well as a bed." I grinned at Brian flirtily. He started to blush, no surprise there actually. He's always been the shy one in our relationship. I'm very outgoing, I'd do anything for him. 

It was starting to get late, "Fred please could we at least have the small pillow." I heard Brian say. Why doesn't he want to share with me? I've not got a disease or anything. 

"No, my darling John in top priority!" Freddie stated.

Brian rolled his eyes and started to set up the bed. "Ok Rog, we'll have to share a bed but don't you dare bring this up when I'm at my parents' house."

"Yeah, ok I won't," I said, It wasn't my fault that I accidentally told them about me and Brian kissing in the bathroom at school. Plus that was like a full four years ago. To be honest, they didn't seem very bothered, Brian was embarrassed though.

We lay down on the bed which was very uncomfortable and slept. In the middle of the night, my arm ended up wrapping around Bri's waist but he was asleep and didn't notice. It was around two in the morning when I woke up. 

"Oh, shit" I murmured to myself. Was that a man standing in the corner of the room or was it a chair? The more I looked at it the more I realised I shouldn't be scared but fear overtook me. I turn over to Brian, who was snoring very loudly and give him a swift punch. I didn't mean to be so harsh but it's like second nature for me now. 

"Owww, what the-"

"SHHHH" I cut Brian off, unfortunately, I was louder than him and woke Freddie up, oops. He gave us an intense death stare then went back to sleep. 


"What?" He whispered.

"I'm scared," I tried to give him my famous puppy dog eyes but it's quite difficult in the pitch black of the night. 

"Rog, there's nothing to be scared of," Brian said softly. His voice was very reassuring.


"Roger, what will get you back to sleep?" He said as if he was my parent. 

Before I could answer his question I thought of an idea, I kissed him on his cheek and turn over back to where I was to go to sleep. "Goodnight," I whispered to him...

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