|1|: Prologue

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"Just looking at you leaves a bad taste in my mouth." I spat venomously before turning on my heels and walking away. The blonde whom I had just insulted, stood there dumbfounded and frozen.

'That idiot is so pitiful.' I thought as I walked down the large halls of my new school.

Now, you may he wondering "What is going on here?" So I'll tell you.

It all started this morning....



~3rd person's POV~

"Alright class, listen up. We have a new student joining us today. Please make her feel at home." The teacher said then she turned to the new student and smiled at her.

"Come on up and introduce yourself my dear." She said cheerfully. The student sighed deeply and walked to the front of the classroom.

"My name is Azusa Ryūma. I'll be your classmate from this moment forward." The girl said in a bored tone, with her eyes half lidded from grogginess.

The other students in the class sweat dropped awkwardly and eyed the new girl, trying to figure her out.

"You may take your seat Miss Ryūma." The teacher said and Azusa nodded. She took a seat at the back of the class and then looked out the window in boredom. The teacher soon went back to her lesson and the students turned their attention away from Azusa.

However there were two students who weren't paying attention to the lesson. Instead, they were looking at Azusa. Two boys. One with black hair and glasses and one with blonde hair and violet eyes. They were looking at Azusa with mild interest.


Throughout the rest of the class, Azusa continued to ignore the lesson while occasionally glancing at the two boys out of the corner of her eye. She had noticed that they were staring at her and she was starting to get annoyed.

When the bell finally rung signaling the end of class, Azusa gathered her things and prepared to leave. However she found her path blocked by the two boys from earlier.

"Can I help you?" Azusa asked in a skeptical tone while raising a brow.

The blonde smiled brightly at her. "Ryūma San, my name is Tamaki Suoh. I wanted to personally welcome you to our illustrious school." He said while bowing deeply.

Azusa looked at the blonde boy before her with complete disinterest. "Yeah, okay. Whatever. And thanks... I guess." She said in her bored tone before brushing off the blonde boy and his friend and leaving the room.

The blonde boy fell to his knees in despair. "She blew me off." He muttered in disbelief. Meanwhile his friend just stood there leaning against the wall with a blank expression on his face. Inside however, he was rather amused at how Azusa casually brushed Tamaki to the side and kept on walking.


At lunch, Azusa sat at a table all alone eating a bento box. She ate the lunch with a blank expression on her face. The lunch room was crowded and everyone was rather loud, but Azusa ignored them and kept eating. But soon she found herself surrounded by a crowd of people who started asking her all sorts of questions.

She mostly ignored them and would sometimes answer with a "yes" or a "no". Even though she made perfectly clear her disinterest in talking to them, people continued to ask Azusa questions about herself.

Finally she had had enough and she packed up her lunch and prepared to leave the room.

"One more thing Ryūma San. Would you like to come with us to the Host club?" A female student asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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