Fall Maiden

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Yang: Ugh! How do you keep winning? You have to be cheating some how.

Throwing down her cards in defeat Yang sprawls back on your bed.

You: (chuckles) Nope just that good, well that and you have a terrible poker face.

Yang: (sits up) Hmph, so nervous for the finals tonight?

You: (shuffling cards) Not at all, doesn't matter who my opponents are, I don't plan on losing.

Yang: Oh? What if you face off against me?

You:(smirks) I said what I said, but I'm really looking forward to after the tournament is over.

Yang: (tilts her head in confusion) What's happening after?

You: We get to enjoy some down time, no white fang, no Roman Torchwick, and no tournament, we can finish off the rest of the year as regular students.

Yang: Were we ever just regular students?

The two of you laughed.

You: You know what I mean, this might sound cheesy but after everything we've all been through since school started, it will be nice just to hang out with Ty and the others. And I hope you and me could have more moments like these.

Yang: I'd like that too, but would it kill you to let me win for once.

You gave her a sly grin.

You: I'll think about it.

The two of you started to laugh and Just as you leaned in to kiss Yang, there was a sudden knock at the door. Annoyed

You: They promised not to bug us till the finals. It's gotta be Akio, prolly here to poke fun at us.

You went to open the door and to your surprise it wasn't Akio or anyone else from your team but instead Qrow.

Qrow: Hey kid.

You: Huh Qrow? What do I owe this unexpected visit.

Qrow: Need you to come with me to a meeting with Ozpin.

You: Uh I'm kinda busy right now with.... stuff.

Qrow glances over your head to see Yang still sitting on your bed, she gives her uncle a small wave.

Yang: Hey, I'm stuff.

Qrow: Uh Huh, well I thought you'd want in on this meeting after all it might put you a step closer to meeting up with your old man.

With that Qrow turned and started to walk away.

You: Wait hold on! Just give me a few minutes.

Qrow: I'll be waiting outside.

Turning back into the room you could already see the disappointed look on Yang's face.

You: Yang I'm really-

Yang: (sighs) Don't sweat it, it's like you said we can spend all the time we want together, once the tournaments over.

Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Vol 3)Where stories live. Discover now