Tony and his coffee

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Peter has been working as an intern at Stark Tower since he started high school as a senior. Tony, himself, showed up at his school looking for young minds to work with him in later experiments.

Peter walked to class in a red and black sweater, black jeans and red converse. His brown hair was neatly combed back.

Peter sat in his normal seat by one of the many windows in the room. He pulled out an engineering magazine and looked through it before the bell rung. Peter's mind was lost within the different technology and machines that Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and many others created.

Peter jumped when a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up to see his professor holding a yellow envelope with his name on it.

"What's this Professor?" Peter asked taking the envelope.

"This was in my mailbox earlier. I was told someone from Stark Industries brought it down," the professor said before walking to his desk.

Peter looked from his professor to the yellow envelope with curiosity. He opened the envelope to see two letters, one from Pepper, the other from Tony, along with some more engineering magazines, and a small robot that Peter could have.

Pulling out the letter from Tony, Peter read it.

Mr Parker

You are needed at the tower at 10 am. I am in need of your assistance and smarts. There will be some clothing to cover your everyday clothes, as we are working on machines.

Please get a hold of me as soon as you reach the lobby.

Tony Stark

Peter placed the letter back into the envelope and grabbed Pepper's letter.

Mr Parker

I am happy that Tony has chosen you to be his personal intern.

I have heard that you were just like him when he was in high school so I left a small robot that Tony has created for you. There is so much potential for you in the future.

Pepper Potts

Peter folded Pepper's letter and placed it back into the envelope. He looked at the clock that was on the other side of the room. Seeing it was close to 9 am, Peter stood and walked over to the professor's desk.

"Umm Professor?" Peter interrupted the work that the professor was doing.

"Yes, Peter?" the professor asked as he looked up.

"I'm needed at the Stark Tower. It's about my internship," Peter informed.

"Oh, go right ahead. I'll email you the lesson plan for today," the professor said with a smile as he began typing on his computer.

"Thanks, Professor," Peter bowed his head a little before running out of the classroom.

Peter ran past Ned and MJ who walked passed him to the classroom. Ned stopped Peter before he could continue running.

"What's going on dude?" Ned asked. "Another villain attack?"

"Nothing of the sort. Tony needs me at the tower," Peter tells Ned and MJ who both nod and started pushing Peter away from them.

"Well go help Tony. We'll help you later with what you missed," MJ waved as Peter ran off again.

Peter rushed off of the campus and down to Stark Industries. Passing by a tiny home owned coffee shop Peter looked at his watch. Knowing that it was still early in the day and Tony would be slow working, Peter back tracked and got a large black coffee with three generous scopes of sugar. Getting back on track to Stark Industries, Peter pulls out his phone and blue tooth headphones and began listening to his music.

Minutes later, Peter made it across the city and through the doors to the tower Tony owned. He walked up to the front counter and greeted the familiar face.

"Oh good morning Peter," the lady behind the counter smiled up to Peter.

Placing the coffee on the counter and leaning on said counter he replied. "Where can I find Tony?"

"Oh no one has seen him at all this morning," a voice came from Peter's right.

"Really now. Have you checked his work place?" Peter chuckled as he turned to face Pepper.

"Trust me. Both me and Rhodes checked the work space, his garage and pent house twice. No sign of him," Pepper shook her head as she answered Peter.

"Right. Well let's see if this works," Peter grabs the coffee cup from the counter and walked past Pepper with a smile on his face.

"Here we go," the lady behind the counter smiled as she turned back to her computer.

Standing in the middle of the first floor, holding the cup of coffee into the air and called out, "I COME BEARING COFFEE FOR THEE LORD!!!!"

A few seconds later, Tony comes crashing through an elevator in a greasy white shirt and black jeans. Breathing heavily, Tony asks, "Where's the coffee god?"

"He's here..." Peter said as he lowered the cup with a smile on his face. "But he's not here to make a delivery for you."

Peter turns away from a teary eyed Tony and handed Pepper the coffee instead.

"The coffee god came to deliver to thy goddess, Pepper," Peter bowed slightly handing Pepper the cup of coffee.

"Why thank you," Pepper took the coffee and took a sip from it. "Yeah I'm good. Tony come get your coffee."

Pepper held the cup towards Tony. Tony looked up with tears running down his face as he rushed over to get his coffee (like Tamaki Suoh would do). Taking a long sip from the cup and taking a deep breath, Tony looked over at a smiling Peter.

"Let's get to work kid," Tony smiled as he draped an arm around Peter's shoulders and led him to the elevator he came from.

Words: 915

Based on a dream wildwolfwoman had one day and I just added a bit of sugar on it made it my own and funny. I hope you guys had a few laughs at this like I did when typing this. Anyways, I hope you guys stay safe and enjoy your day/night. See you later Kits.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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