Ch 9. Operation Nimrod

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All Might

The boys are flying over the pacific ocean and are approaching the AC-130 ready to latch on the bottom.

Max: Gabriel how's the message coming along?

Gabriel: Its coming along smoothly, all I need is to be in range so then I can broadcast it to the nano bots in Izuku's ears and we are good to go.

Stephen: We are approaching the target and we should be able to latch on in 5 min.

Mark: Good, after this we can finally head home and forget this ever happened.

Ben: What do you think Izuku is doing right now?

Mark: Who knows but I'm thankful that this jet has super sonic engines and we've been able to catch up in no time.

We shift our attention to Izuku who seems to be at the point of being raped. (AN: May God save your soul)

Izuku: Is there a way we can talk about this?

QEM (Queen Explosion Murder): Too late I'm too horny and I can't think straight. All I want is that-

Izuku: Desperate times call for desperate measures.

As he thinks this he creates a flash bang out of thin air and a mini laser cutter to escape.

QEM: Ah what the hell. *Covering her eyes from the flasbang*

Izuku: Yes I'm free! Shit did I say that out loud!

QEM: How did you do that? Men aren't supposed to have quirks. I'll beat your ass until you can't fucking move and then I'll have my way.

Izuku: Its technically not a biological quirk but - hey I was speaking! *Dodges from explosion*

QEM: I don't care, I'm going fucking break you for making me look like a fucking dumbass.

Izuku: I have no choice.

As he thinks this he created to batons that have electric ends and two hand guns with magazines that hold tranq darts.

As QEM rushes Izuku, he connects his batons to make a staff and lunges at QEM making sure the point touches her to electrocute her. What he didn't expect was for her to create an explosion to launch herself up and behind him. Izuku sees this as his opportunity to vault off his staff and land farther from her to create space.

Izuku: Damn she has a strong quirk. I have to keep myself at a distance or else I'll be bruised in some areas more than others.

Just then Izuku hears something from the nano bots in his ears.

Gabriel: We are latched under the plane all we need is for you to escape and enter through whatever way you want.

Izuku: Perfect. All I need is a distraction so I can knock her out cold.

God was on his side because something caused the ship to rock unexpectedly to the right. Izuku used his staff as support since he was on guard. QEM wasn't so lucky and she slammed against the side of the plane stunning her in the process. Izuku took this as his chance and slammed his staff to the side of her head knocking her out. Izuku fastened her to the seat he was kept prisoner and made his way to the center of the plane.

Mark: Ben did you leave the marker for Izuku to find where to enter?

Ben: Yeah and I made sure that Its something only he would recognize.

Stephen: Good, we don't want any of his captors entering the jet.

Gabriel: Now all we have to do is wait. Ben I suggest that you don't go near the control panel. If you do don't press the anti-gravity button.

Ben: Too late

As he says that every one in the stealth plane starts to float around the plane.

Max: You think you're being cute saying  "too late".

Ben: Bitch I'm adorable.

Izuku: I'm nearing the middle of the plane and I see the marker. Wait is that my DND piece. If those bastards go over the new story I swear to God I will murder them.

He then hears two voices coming his way.

Frost: Hurry Echo we have to make sure the prisoner didn't escape with the sudden rocking.

Echo: I'm running as fast as I can. You run faster because you use your ice to propell yourself.

Izuku:Come one just run past me so I can escape.

They both run past him not noticing the green tuft of hair poking above the container.

Izuku: Perfect. Now all I have to do is cut a hole through the floor and I'm home free.

Izuku creates a laser cutter and is able to enter the plane just when he hears.


Echo: There he is.

Izuku: Sayonara Bitches!

With that Izuku enters the plane and closes the port shut.

Izuku: (over coms) The package is secured! Lets go home!

Gabriel: Good thing I stayed straped in my chair. Detaching now.

The stelth plane detaches from the AC-130 before something hits the plane.

Ben: What hit us?

Gabriel: Let me scan the plane.

Izuku: I don't think you have to scan the plane!

Gabriel: Why is that?

Izuku: (coms) Because there is a massive harpoon stuck lodged in the roof!

Gabriel: Mark can you get to the gun controls?

Mark: I can't.

Stephen: Engines just went out!

Ben: Shit!

Izuku: (coms) Don't worry I got this!

They look on the back cam to see Izuku create a Rocket launcher from out of no where and shoot two of the engines of the AC-130. He then removes the harpoon and repairs the hole. Iuku then walks into the main cabin only to start floating.


Ben: (scared) The anti-gravity button.

Gabriel: This turned out to be a good thing because now we're falling at 5 mph and since we're 33,000 ft in the air this might take a while.

Stephen: That doesn't matter what matters is that Izuku has some artificial quirk.

Izuku: How did you know?

Stephen: The chances of a man getting a  biological quirk are slim to impossible. So it must be an artificial quirk.

Izuku: Okay you got me. I will now tell you the story of how I got my artificial quirk.

AN: That is a wrap folks sorry to do this but this chapter is pretty long and I don't want to prolong it.

Either way I want to thank you in getting to 2.5k view (I belive its more)

I also want to switch up the upload schedule so expect stories on Monday and Friday from now on

Remember leave reviews and feedback on how to improve the story.

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