May 8, 2020

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     So last night there was a thunder storm and I was happy because I love thunder storms. At that time I was writing a long message for my girlfriend to wake up too and she loved it all. The message was so long since I was that I had to do another text to her. But the text was what I loved about her flaws and all. One thing is that we will work though things that we need to fix or ruff times. I would show the text but she is on this and I don't want her to know it is me. Even tho she might know it is me. So I left clues that it is me and anybody that is in band at my school will know that it is me if they put things together. In the last three days I came out to nine people none of them are my parents. 

     I don't know how they would respond. Thought about doing it just to see there response but thought about it and in the long run I shouldn't. Coming out is sensitive topic and some people shouldn't because they don't have accepting parents. So if you can come out good for you but you might not know how other can. I want to have my house open to those who ran away or got kicked out. But I can't do that or I might get kicked out. Even though I have places that I can go some just can't.

     I want everyone to have a safe place to go to even if you aren't in the community. Some people just has mean parents and is not safe at home no-matter what. No one should live on the streets at all but I can't do anything about it right now. Maybe I can get my girlfriend in on something in the future with me. Since I want to be a cook I might give food for free for one hour one day of the week. There will be people taking advantage of that. We also could let someone in the community that got kicked out live with us for a bit until we find a forever home for them that will welcome them for them. I know a few people that will do that for them.

     Her and I might do the second one because we will be filled with joy. There will be more safety for our people in life. The last thing I could do is make a play area were the community can go when they aren't feeling loved in life. They will be by supportive people, there own kinds they can talk to or just play with. All I can do right now is keep you guys happy and feeling loved. I might make a actual novel someday. But all I want to do is make you feel loved so that plan will be put to the side. 

     Sorry if I just go to different topics and not just flow into it. That will be my number one problem when I do a novel. I will have to reread it before I publish it. Also I want to create some creators for it that isn't human for it know that I think about it. I might not be able to draw them because I'm not that good at drawing people. But I can draw landscapes really good. I might have a friend draw them when I see her drawing of people. My girlfriend can help me with coming up with some of them. She has a creative mind. Together us three will come up with a novel one day.

     I will have to think of some stuff about it but it will be in the community. There will be at least a asexual, pansexual, bisexual, and gay people in it. Might be more but for right now that is all that I can garentee you. Also I can't really spell so if there is something spelt different I'm sorry I'm trying to get better but this is my best. But I will let you know when I'm gonna do the novel. There will be a lot of thinking about it with my friend and girlfriend. It will be at least a month before I start that novel because I want to show how they look and give descriptions of each of them. 

     So I had a blond moment to day. Me and my mom went into town today and got ice cream I almost putted the ice cream away in the bathroom. I realized before I fully did it. Also my stomic gets upset when I have dairy so we got me dairy-free ice cream and I'm excited to try them so much. I also have almond milk so I feel loved. Before my parents know about this and they refuse to get me dairy-free milk. 

     This is gonna be it for today maybe one day I will give you my new name because I love it so much. The name fits my personality so much and it is a gender neutral one too. Also I just remembered that my girlfriend used they. It made me so happy that I wanted to jump on my bed because of it. Now this is it for today I hope you guys are happy. Everyone is loved and accepted by me. Talk to you tomorrow.

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