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Hades P.O.V
This feels nice. Wait what? I slowly look over. Cher was cuddled into my chest. I smiled. Then I slowly went to the bathroom and did my business. Then I went to the balcony and smoked a cigarette. I don't know why I smoked. I guess it calms me

I heard something. I put the cigarette out and turned back into the room. She left. My heart dropped a little. No. It can't be. I don't feel anything for her. 'Then why did you ask Ayla to bring her to your room' my god asks. 'I didn't want Zeke to- no never mind. 'Ha'

I get dressed into lazy outfit knowing it's Saturday , and no one works on Saturday. I walk out and bump into Zeke. I growled at him. "We need to talk."

I rolled my eyes, but let him in. "What?" I asked. "I love her, I don't know what you want me to tell you." "No you don't." "But I do. It's like that legend said, we can instantly fall in love, if with the right person. I took one look at her and it hit me." "NO!" I roared. 'Seems like someone has a crush on Cher' my god taunted.

"Do whatever you want. I'm not holding you back." It pained me to say that. "Really?" "Yes. now get out." 'You. Will. Pay. Mark my words.' 'Shut up I told my mind.

Two hours later

I regret my decision. This was horrible and I haven't even seen them yet. I walk downstairs and I see Cher sitting at the table. She turns around and whispers a hi. I just stare at her. Then I turn to the fridge, and take out stuff to make lunch.

She looks at me again. "What are you doing?" "I'm making lunch." I stated. "Oh." I suddenly wondered how old she was. "How old are you?" I inquired. "I'm 19." She stated softly. Like she was scared to say anything that could set me off.

Cher's P.O.V
Nobody knew about my past. I just told them that I probably got hit by something, taking it just because they found me on the side of the road.

But that wasn't the reason I was there. My ex- boyfriend dropped me off there after knocking me unconscious. I was sure of it.

"How old are you?" He asked me. "I'm 19." I said quietly. Not wanting to upset him. "I know you weren't hit with something on that road. Now tell me what really happened."

My breath was cut from my lungs. "Not here." He nodded and brings me back up to his room. "Speak." "I was a-abused." His face dropped. He wasn't expecting that. "Did he touch you- l-like you know?" he stuttered. "Y-yes." I said almost at a whisper.

He stood up and hugged me. "That's why you were crying that night." I nodded.

A knock on the door made me jump. "Hey Hades, have you seen Cher?" It was Zeke. I relaxed a little. But Hades looked angry. Zeke came in and saw me. "Oh, sorry."

"No you are fine, what do you need?" I asked nicely. "I was wondering if you'd like to go swimming?" "Sure, I'd love too." I walked out of the room and to my so called room. I changed into a swimsuit that Ayla brought me. It was way out of my comfort zone.

I walked out and instantly became self conscious

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I walked out and instantly became self conscious. I had bruises that danced all around my body. I saw Zeke and smiled. "Come on let's swim" "Ok" Once I got in the water I felt more relaxed. More covered.

That's when I saw him. My mind stopped and looked. Hades came out. He looked good.He was only wearing black swim trunks and a shirt. His abs defined through the shirt, and you could see his muscles.

He walked to me. Then bent down and whispered in my ear. "Like what you see, cause I do." I just stared at the water. He finally took off his shirt and jumped in. Treading the water turned away. Then got out and payed on his towel, and closed his eyes.

Zeke swam to me. "Hey Cher." "Hey.", "So I was wondering if you'd, um-, if you'd like to-, go on a date with me?"

With that Hades shot up and gave Zeke a glare. "Zeke, um-I'm really sorry but I don't feel that way for you." He looked hurt. Like someone just told him his mom died. "B-but i do."

"She said no Zeke. Now get lost." Hades spoke up. Zeke looked at me, then him. "I see." Then he left. "You are mine." Hades said. "I'm no ones." He laughed and got out of the water. "You look cute when you blush Cher." He taunted.

I hate him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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