My teacher looked mad. I've never seen her this mad before. While I was walking to her desk, I could see Mackenzie grinning. Yes , Miss.Mashburn? Well Well Nikki maxwell we have found out you skipped class. No Miss.Mashburn I was just sick. To make things worse Mackenzie skipped up to her desk and said dont lie Nikki! I saw your texts with Brandon saying you were at the mall! Nikki? Do you have somthing to say? No! I said. I WAS SICK! don't yell at me young lady! Miss.Mashburn said
I've heard enough please return to your seats girls.
After 2 period was over I met my friends Chloe and zoey at my locker and told them all about it. " WOW " Chloe said, I can't believe she accused you of that! " I know right!" Zoey said. Next class was study hall. Me and Chloe and zoey all worked together. Then it was lunch. While I was walking to my seat Mackenzie said wait Nikki what's that in your food? I looked down and said there is nothing in - then she smashed my plate of food in my face before I could finish my sentence. The mashed potatoes, milk, and chicken nuggets went grate with the peanut butter and mustard stain already on my shirt. MAXWELL DONT PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD!, the lunch lady screamed.
Find out what happens next in part 3!