Part 4

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It was Monday morning, and the halls were loud, so loud Allyson had to cover her ears when she walked in to the building.  No more than a few seconds later did the shouting and laughing subside, and all eyes were on Allyson.  She stopped, dead in her tracks.  She was as motionless as an animal would be hiding from its prey.  Anxiety built up inside of Allyson, along with curiosity.  Everyone started whispering to each other, their eyes leaving Allyson for no more than a second.  Then suddenly, you heard the piercing sound of high heels tapping against the floor, coming closer and closer.  Emily Waterson stepped around the corner with a piece of paper in her hand, but Allyson could not see what it was.  Emily stopped directly in front of Allyson and said,                                                                                                                                                      

“You thought you were living a dream, didn’t you?  The star of the football team was finally into you, what could possibly be wrong?  You thought you had your own little fairytale going, but sadly I have to be the bearer of bad news, sweetie.  Jacob was never into you, his jock friends all dared him to pretend to be into you.  You were just a little game, something to play with while he was bored.  And now, the whole school knows!”

 Emily handed the piece of paper to Allyson and swiftly turned and walked away with grace.  All of a sudden, Allyson felt her heart drop.  Most of the students were laughing, while others looked at her with pity.  She had so many emotions and feelings right then, but she tucked them away as she ran out of the school.  All Allyson wanted to do was run, just keep running and never come back.  Dodging bicycles and dog walkers, she finally made it to the one place where she felt safe, and could be alone.  This place was special to Allyson; a lot of memories come to mind when she goes here.  The old, worn-down, abandoned house.  It may not sound too shabby, but it was enough for Allyson.  She pulled herself up on to the ladder, as she and Parker have done hundreds of times since they were little.  Once she got up and on the roof, she sat down on the light blue, frayed blanket that was nailed to the roof.  She could remember the day her and Parker found this place like it happened just a few minutes ago.  The sky was blue, not a cloud for miles and Parker and Allyson were riding their bikes down an old, beaten path.  Parker’s mother always warned the two of them not to go too far down this path, because she did not know what was back there.  Of course, being the two rebellious kids they were, one day they rode further down then they usually do.  A screeching sound of tires stopping on the pavement was almost deafening, but once the two had stopped, it was a miracle what they had found.  To many people it would have just been an old house that was abandoned, but to Allyson and Parker they saw opportunity, freedom, even a place to collect their thoughts at times.  Over the years, Allyson and Parker visited the house frequently, adding a few things to make its appearance more modern.  Although, today Allyson was not using the house for things she used to, she was using it for comfort.  She got this feeling that she was home, a place where she could just relive the old days and not be judged by silly mistakes or be used by anyone.  Although, she felt like there was something missing, but she had no idea what it could be.  With her knees pulled up to her chest and her head resting on her arms, she gathered her thoughts as best she could, before something broke inside of her.  Whether it was good or bad, it happened.  Tears began to stream down her face, like a waterfall in a tropical forest, and it seemed to never end.  There was a gentle yet noticeable sound against the wooden roof, and Allyson looked up, but was not surprised when she saw Parker standing there, with red cheeks, sweat pouring off of him and he was trying to catch his breath.  He took a seat right next to her, with approximately six inches between them.  She was still looking at him as she said                                                                

“What are you doing here?”

although she pretty much knew the answer already.  He sighed and said                                                                                                                                                      

“You’re my best friend. I knew you would be here, and even though you completely ditched me for Jacob, I heard what happened today and I know you need me right now.”

He looked away after saying this, but she continued to stare at him.  The sun was setting and the sky was pink and gold, which meant it would become dark soon.  Allyson inhaled deeply, before saying               

“Parker, I’m so sorry.”

She rested her hand on his arm and continued                                                     

 “It wasn’t right of me to abandon you like I did. And all for some idiotic teen age boy who uses people for his own personal game.  I wish I had never done any of that, I regret it immensely.  Will you forgive me?  You did come all the way out here, so I’m guessing there was a reason for that?”

Parker was silent for a moment, and then he smiled the same smile Allyson has grown fond of.                                                                                                                                                             

“I forgive you. I really have missed you these few days, Ally.  Oh, are you cold?”

Parker said quietly.  The sun had set within a matter of minutes, and the breeze had picked up.  Allyson nodded her head in reply to his question and he pulled her closer to him.  The two of them laid back and looked up at the stars together.  The next few hours were filled with laughing, smiling, cuddling, and star gazing.  This night was perfect, but sadly it had to come to an end.                                                                          

 “Do you feel any better?”

Parker asked as he stood up.  He held out his hand and Allyson held on to it, lifting herself up.  She thought for a moment before she replied.                                            

“Yeah, because no matter how many people make fun of me, I know I always have you.”

Parker looked into her eyes as her cheeks became slightly pink.  His raised his hands to align with her face and held her cheeks gently.  Before either of them knew what was happening, their lips were connected.  The kiss was quick, but full of meaning.  Both Allyson and Parker took a step back, their faces full of amazement.  They awkwardly said their goodbyes and went their own ways. 

“What just happened?”

is what both of them kept thinking as they walked away.  It was going to be a long night of tossing and turning, and endless thoughts of what could come in the near future for Allyson and Parker. 

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