Part 7

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Two hours later, Allyson walked into the cafeteria and tried to find Parker, but he was not there.  She figured he stopped at his locker or something, so she sat down at a table and waited.  Ten minutes later Parker plopped himself down next to her and sighed.  She looked at him and noticed he seemed upset, so she said                                      

“Are you okay?  Did something happen?”                                                                                              

 “My teacher gave me after school detention, for today.  I was late to class.”

Allyson remained calm, which confused Parker.  Suddenly, she stood up and grabbed a handful of food from her tray and threw it at Parker.                                                                                                                                                    

“What did you do that for?”

he asked, wiping the food from his face and standing up.  She smiled and said                                                                                                                                    

“Well, since you have detention now, and we had planned on working on the fund raiser tonight, shouldn’t I get detention too?”

Allyson smiled wickedly as a security guard walked over.                  

“What happened here, young lady?” the man asked Allyson.  Before she could respond, Parker spoke up by saying                                                                                                                                 

“Sir, she threw food in my face! She started a food fight.”

He tried his best not to laugh, luckily the security guard escorted Allyson to the principal’s office before he let out his laughter.  Allyson later walked into room 301 and immediately saw Parker with a notebook, papers, and pens ready to work.  The teacher at the front instructed for her to sit down anywhere, but said there is no talking.  She took a seat right next to Parker and right away began to plan the fund raiser.  For the next three hours, the two of them scribbled down notes, crumpled up papers, drew diagrams.  They went all out for this fund raiser.  By the time detention was over, Allyson and Parker knew how the football field would be set up, what the fliers would look like, and all of the games and activities they would have set up.                                                                                                            

“So, I think we have everything planned.  All we need to get before Saturday are the fliers, which I can make and print out at home, and the tickets, which your mom has some of those at home from when she helped the church with bingo night.”

 Parker said while Allyson held his hand and walked out of the building.                                                                                                     

“Oh, and you have all the games we need in your garage right? The ones your dad used to play before he, uh, passed on?”

He asked, trying his best not to bring up the subject.  Allyson nodded her head and stopped walking.                                                                                                                    

 “Do you think he knows I’m doing this for him?”

she asked, referring to her father.  Parker thought for a moment before saying anything.                                                                                                                

 “Ally, I’m sure he knows.  I bet he is so proud of you, I know I would be.  You’re making a difference!  After Saturday every person in school will know about Lou Gehrig’s disease and we’ll raise money for the foundation.  Trust me, everything will go smoothly and we’ll have some fun while doing it.  Okay, now relax and go get some sleep.  Luckily tomorrow we have off from school, and I asked the principal if we could set up all day tomorrow and he said yes.  No worries, Ally.  Call me if you can’t find the games, alright?”

Parker said as they stopped in front of Allyson’s front door.  She smiled and took a deep breath before giving him a hug and walking inside.  Allyson tossed her books onto the bed and changed into an old T-shirt and sweat pants.  She waked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and saw her mom sitting at the counter filing some paper work.                                                                                                                                    

“Hey, mom.  I have some good news.”

Allyson said cheerfully.  She could not wait to say it so she just blurted it out,                                                                                                                         

 “The school is allowing me to have a fund raiser this Saturday for ALS!”                                            

“That’s so great sweetie!  Wait, Saturday? There’s not enough time!”

Her mother said, beginning to worry, just as Allyson often does.                                                                                                   

“Well Parker and I have everything planned out and tomorrow we’re going to set all of it up.  It’ll all work out.”

 Allyson reassured her.                                                                                      

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