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Zayn's POV:

Glancing up from the cookbook perched on a stand in the kitchen, Zayn saw Niall and Harry walk in, beaming. Though, he caught Niall tense up and side eye him as he entered. Harry didn't seem to notice.

Harry flipped through the cookbook searching for a recipe, while Niall clung to his side and looked over his shoulder at the book, like he was genuinely interested in cooking or something. Zayn scoffed to himself quietly. Like he knew a thing or two about fending for himself. 

"So what's for dinner?" Niall asked and Harry didn't mind that Niall's face was practically 2 inches away from his; instead he just grinned at him. "You pick, Niall" 

Zayn scoffed again and rolled his eyes. At Harry, who beamed at Niall like he'd never looked at anyone else before, and at Niall who looked at Harry like he was everything good in the world. Or like he was a piece of meat. Zayn couldn't tell the difference. 

"Niall" he said and snapped his fingers in his direction, detaching him from their little bubble "What are we having for dinner, Blondie?" he gestured to the book. 

Niall's eyes were blank for a moment, they they filled up with recognition as he looked down at the recipe book "O-Oh yeah" he started to flip through it "Erm. . . . ."

Zayn rolled his eyes and groaned inwardly at this, and Harry shot him a disapproving look, then placed his hand on his shoulder. "Behave" he whispered in a warning. Zayn rose his hands up in protest, pouting as he did so. 

"How about. . . Bourborn chicken with some Greek style Oven roasted Potatoes on the side?" Niall spoke up and pointed to the recipe page, mostly looking at Harry for his approval. 

"Are you sure you'd be able to read the recipe, Niall?" Zayn couldn't help but add in. 

"Zayn!" Harry scolded "It's only okay when I ask him things like that!" 

"Why does everyone think I can't read?! I'm not an illiterate ya know" Niall threw his hands in the air and Zayn chuckled. He found Niall not able to stand him very entertaining. 

"I'm just messing with ya. . . - " Zayn said and Niall couldn't tell if he was teasing him or not, so he just sighed.

" - . . . . Mr Loverboy" Zayn added and Harry couldn't help but snicker at his snide remark. 

Niall's mouth opens, then closes, then opens again "Rude!" he finally sputters, his face slowly turning the colour of the peppers shown in the recipie book. After having a few laughs, Zayn cleared his throat and nudged Harry "So, how's the baby project babes?" 

Harry went to the pantry and grabbed the sack of potatoes and read the recipe for the Greek potatoes "Niall, mix one third of a cup of olive oil, one and a half cups of water, two cloves of finely chopped garlic, some lemon juice, one teaspoon of dried thyme-" 

"Just gimme the book" Niall interrupts and grabs the book from the stand "You wash the potatoes and cut them into wedges and I'll prepare the olive oil mixture." 

"Sure" he replies and opens the sack of potatoes "Zayn get me a bowl and the wedge cutter please" 

Zayn sighs and sluggishly walks to the cabinet to retrieve the things "You haven't answered my question yet Harry" 

Harry puts some potatoes into a bowl and heads to the sink to wash them "What was the question again?" 

"So how's the baby project coming, babes?"  Niall mimicked in an exaggerated, high pitched tone and Zayn shot him a look of death. 

Harry seemed oblivious to what was going on "It's going great, Zayn. Niall's one hell of a dad" he replied as he rinsed the potatoes, his tone sounding rather sarcastic. 

"Oh?!" Zayn folded his arms and looked at Niall in mock suprise "So you both must be the no.1 daddies, yeah?" 

Niall scoffed "To be quite frank I don't know anything about being a dad." 

On hearing that zayn grimaced, scrathing his neck "Then maybe you shouldn't sleep around with so much people then you never know - " 

"- Zayn!" Harry cuts him off with a smile, then it quickly switches to a glower. "Go home. It's past your bedtime" 


So this was kind of a filler, so it's really short lol but the whole point it zayn and harry and Niall cooked dinner and niall had dinner with harry's family blah blah bely lmao okay xoxo

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