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Matthew's POV

I turn over in my bed to see my alarm clock staring back at me.

5:30 a.m.

I sigh before sitting up, and rubbing my eyes. Why did I set the appointment with the King to be tomorrow morning? I groan and shift around to put my feet on the cold, tiled bedroom floor.

I look around the room and sigh.

It feels so empty.

It's times like these that makes me yearn for my mate even more. I've been searching for her since I turned sixteen. I'm twenty one now. I'm beginning to loose hope of ever finding her. Six years is a long time to be looking for something, much less someone.

I walk over to the door that connects my room and Brooke's. I open the door and look inside. Brooke is laying under her bright pink Barbie cover, with one foot hanging out from under it, and holding a purple hippo in her left arm. I chuckle and walk over to the side of her bed.

I shake her lightly and call her name.
"Brooke, it's time to wake up."
She groans and rolls over trying to go back to sleep mumbling a 'five more minutes, bubba,' causing me to laugh. "If you don't get up, I guess I'll have to take the unicorn back!" I sigh dramatically.

Upon hearing this, she shoots up in bed. "A unicorn!" She exclaims. Laughing, I explain, "there isn't a such thing as unicorns, Rook." She looks disappointed, and I remember why I tried to get her up in the first place. "Come on. I have to take you to Uncle Rick's I'm gonna be gone for a day or two."

Rick isn't really her uncle, but he's the closet thing that she has to one. It's been rough since my parents died four years ago. I was seventeen, and Brooke was two. A rouge attack killed my mother, right in front of my dad. My dad couldn't take the grief, and commuted suicide two days later. Brooke looks so much like our mother that it hurt my dad to even looking at her.

I was left to run the pack and take care of my baby sister at seventeen, but I think I did an okay job. My pack is the second largest pack in the world, apart from the royal pack.

Brooke knows that I'm not her father, that I'm her brother, but I haven't told her why her mom and dad aren't with us. I'll tell her when she gets a little older, but I don't want to ruin her childhood.

I pick her up, and take her into my bathroom, where I brush her hair, braid it, and make her brush her teeth. Once she is finished with that, I hand her my phone to play on until I get finish. I style my hair, put on deodorant, put on cologne, and brush my teeth.

I then grab Brooke off the counter, and walk to her closet. I put her in a pair of grey sweatpants and a purple t shirt, knowing that she will probably fall back asleep once she gets to Rick's. I then grab her bag full of packed clothes, and walk down the stairs to Rick's room.

I knock on the door and wait on a response. Isabella, Rick's mate, opens the door. She smiles at the small girl in my arms, and takes her from me. I lean down a give her a kiss on the forehead before heading back to my room. I quickly head up to my room, grab my bags, and head to the airport.

- after the plane ride -

Once I get off the plane, I walk over to the black SUV that is here to escort me back to the castle. The King and Queen invited me to watch their daughter cheer at her last homecoming football game. I didn't want to be rude, so of course I didn't decline.

As soon as I got to the castle, I was escorted by a maid to my room, where I took a shower. I quickly grabbed my clothes, and then walked downstairs to the King's personal living room. I was met by the King and Queen and the Royal Betas.

"Hello Alpha Matthew. How are you doing?" The King greets me. "I'm doing well. Thank you for asking."

We head out to another black SUV and head to the football stadium. Something about the girls having already left. We get there in perfect time to see the cheerleaders running out to the field goal. They start chanting cheers, and then the band starts playing their fight song.

I see the princess start doing flips and I'm amazed. Something is drawing me to her. A little while later, she looks at me, and when we make I contact, I can feel a connection. I don't know why, but there is definitely something there.

Later on that night they go on to perform their halftime show, and I am terrified when I see the stunt they are about to do. She looked at me and smirked. Girls in my pack attempted this stunt, and I had five stacks of paper work because of hospital reports. Something inside of me was worried about her. I didn't want her to get hurt.

I see her land on top of the guys arms, and sigh in relief, but she wasn't done yet. No one in the crowd was talking. I don't think anyone was even breathing. She held her leg and turned, jumped and done three front flips. Then she done some kind of twist out of it.

My heart wasn't even in my body anymore. I wanted to run out there and grab her. I wanted to tell her to never do that again, but I refrained myself.

What's happening to me? I've never acted like this with a girl I've just met.

The entire crowd jumps up and goes wild. She ran off the field smiling, and finished cheering on the sidelines.

After the game was over I headed back to the castle with the King and Queen while the girls went back to the gym. We got back and I went straight to my room to go over my presentation for the King tomorrow. Then I went to laid down to get some sleep.

There's a large clearing in the middle of the woods. On the other side of the clearing, there's a wolf. A beautiful white wolf with bright green eyes.

It takes a step forward, and I can feel the power rolling off this wolf in waves. She's an Alpha, or an Alphas daughter. With every step she takes, I can feel the ground shake. My inner wolf is going crazy, yipping in joy at the Alpha female.

The wolf is so close to touching me that it scares me. Then her nose touches mine, and all I feel are tingles...

I shoot upright in my bed and realize...

I just met my mate.

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