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Caleigh's POV

The doors are pushed open, and I am hit with the sound of hundreds of voices. My ears pick up on gossip going around the kingdom, friends talking to one another, and people meeting their mates. Once people realize my family and I are standing on the balcony, all chattering stops and my dad prepares to speak.

"Tonight we are here for the opportunity for unmated wolves to find their mate. Mates are something sacred, and something that has been given to all by the moon goddess. Wolves that find their other half tonight will be granted a three night stay in the royal palace. Congratulations in advance." My dad bellows.

We continue walking down the stairway while the crowd claps and gossips. Photographers are taking pictures of everything and everyone, their blinding lights going off everywhere. My mother and father head to the stage where the thrones sit, while I make my way over to Bella.

Other Alpha and Beta families are announced as they arrive later in the night. Some higher ranked wolves also show up, by request of their Alpha.

"Alpha Matthew Gibson of the Blue Ridge pack, and his Beta!" The entire audience goes quiet. This Alpha is a huge deal. He runs the second strongest pack in all of the U. S., ours being the first.

As soon as he steps into the room, I smell it. The scent of Pine wood trees and fresh rain. It is the best thing I have smelt in my entire life. He lets out a dark growl, and begins scanning the crowd with his eyes. His eyes land on mine, and time stops. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing or thinking. All I care about is him.

He walks down the stairs at a slow pace, never breaking eye contact, and stalks across the room to me. My parents are stood by the thrones watching the scene play out.

As soon as he reaches me he grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug. His head is shoved into my neck. "You smell heavenly." He softly growls into my neck. I am at a loss for words as sparks travel all the way down to my toes.

He pulls away to look at me, and pushes my hair behind my ear. "What's your name love?" He whispers. "My name is Caleigh." His eyes widen in shock. "You're the princess!" He exclaims. I nod my head slowly, scared of how he will react.

His eyes divert to the thrones, more so my dad. My father looks like he is ready to rip Matthew's head off for touching me, and my mom is trying to calm him down. I grab his hand and lead him out of the ballroom.

The pond that sits out behind the castle is a place I always love to sit at. My mind is relaxed and I can forget about all of the things stressing me out.

"How old are you?" He suddenly asks me. I look at him and give him a soft smile, "I'm seventeen, but I'll be eighteen in a few months." He nods and looks away for a few minutes. "How old are you?" I ask him shyly. "Twenty. I'll be twenty one in two weeks." Thats some age difference.

I nod my head slowly, and take a deep breath. "You'll have to either step down as Alpha of your pack, or merge your pack with the Royals." I whisper to him, knowing that he might take it as a threat. I could beat him in a fight, but I really didn't want to have to do that.

"I know. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet though. I want to head back to my pack and make the decision." I nod and mumble a small 'oh.' "Would you come with me?" He looks at me, and at first I'm shocked.

I'm the future Queen. I can't just leave my pack here. "I don't think I can do that Matthew. My pack is here. I can't just leave them. It's my duty to protect them." "It's your duty to come with me to see if we should merge." He countered. I knew he made a solid point. "We will have to talk to my father. It is ultimately his decision, after all." He nodded and with that, we began the walk back to the palace.

Little did we know that our lives were about to take a huge turn.

Hey guys! I'm sorry please don't kill me. I've been very busy, but I am going to try to make more time to update this story. Please enjoy and like and comment.

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