Chapter one

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Just Like Clockwork – A Five Nights at Freddy's fan fiction

(A/N: Alright, so, guys, I discovered FnaF about two months ago, and I have to say, I've become part of this fandom INCREDIBLY fast. The fans are all amazing people, you guys are so talented! I'm a little shy about writing a story on here, since I haven't had a very good past with fan fiction, and I've been doubting my writing skills recently, but I'll try my best! This story will be focusing on Freddy, but Foxy and the others will be in here a bit too, so don't worry. The story will be based on the old animatronics, although the new ones may come in later. Also, since pairings seem to be popular at the moment, I am going to include at least one pairing. The pairing I will almost certainly include is a boyxboy one, so if you don't like that kinda stuff, than, well, don't read it.

Anyway... Don't be afraid to leave a review or ask a question, although flames aren't appreciated. Onto the story!)

The moon. The ruddy thing shone through the window, right into his eyes. Dear lord, it was bright tonight! He had to blink at it for a few seconds before his eyes adjusted. When they did, he still didn't feel like moving. The moon was something that he was willing to abandon himself to, he would be more then willing to stare at it forever and ever. However thoughts flooded his mind with that inevitable sinking feeling, and he forced his gaze downwards. The restaurant was silent, apart from the odd creaking or the sound of a footstep... It was a repulsive place during the day, filled to the brim with screeching children and the stench of grease, but at night, when the air fell silent, it had its own bizarre beauty.

Still feeling rather fuzzy, he turned from side to side, trying to shake the static out of his head. A jolt went right through him as he realised Bonnie and Chica were gone. Ah yes. It's night four, isn't it? The security guard must almost be done by now, surely. Lordy, it must be rather late if Bonnie and Chica were already on the move. “Get your act together, Freddy. The others will end up out-pacing you if you keep this up.”

The camera in the corner flickered on, diverting his attention. He leered as creepily as he possibly could, glaring at the unblinking cyclops eye, knowing that the guard would be practically wetting himself. The thought gave him grim satisfaction. The red light went black hurriedly, leaving Freddy to his own devices once again. The animatronic shifted uncomfortably. He enjoyed chasing the guards, but tonight he really wasn't in the mood.

Instead, he decided that he would observe quietly. Not that there was anything to observe, really. It was still painfully silent and his fellow animatronics were nowhere in sight. Unease made its stealthy way into his chest. Every night he found himself worrying for their safety. True, they were the hunters here, but if a guard ever managed to sneak a weapon to work, they wouldn't last long. They were all falling to bits. Just a week ago Freddy's jaw had started to come loose, and he was scared about it coming off completely. A gun or a knife could definitely destroy, or at least maim them. He used to get a wild thrill from the hunt, he used to feel a shiver of ecstasy when victory fell into his grasp, but now that the odds of winning had been equalled out, now that every night they were endangering themselves, not just the guard...

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