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A silly throw-away comment,

Such an obvious remark;

"Oi Angus, you has Twitter?"

I said just for a lark.

"Do you know how it works then?

'Cos I ain't got a clue."

"Fucked if I know Ell," he said,

"I'm as confused as you."

"We're just mindlessly bumbling then,

Through an endless sea of Tweets."

"There's worse seas you could be in,

A sea of corpses beneath your feet."

"Corpses?" I exclaimed with glee,

To me that sounds like fun!"

"We'll loot and pillage," Angus said,

"C'mon, I'll bring the Rum."

So Angus and I we waded,

Through the corpsey flood,

I was glad I wore my wellies,

'Cos his boots soon filled with blood.

"I got 'em Ell," he called out to me,

"Chocolate Hob-Nobs to be savoured,

Aye, they may be bloody,

But the claret aids the flavour!"

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