The Mixture

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(I own none of these people!!)

Blair was at the counter of Maka and Soul's apartment, leaning over a steamy, cauldron with a pink liquid in it. It was going to become a Love Potion that made men fall in love with her. (More than they already did of course!!)

"Hm hm hm hm hmm! Now I just need some pumpkin juice and- Oh darn, we're all out!" She huffed. "I better run out and get some more," and with that, she turned into her cat form, and hopped out the window in the direction of the store.

A few minutes later, Black☆Star barges through the door. (With everyone else behind him, of course.) "Hey, I'm hungry, whaddya' got in here?" Black☆Star starts rummaging through the refrigerator, picking up anything edible, and cramming it in his face. He lifts his head, only to drink a can of soda, before plunging back in the fridge.

Maka looks at the mess he's making, getting flustered at all the food being ingested by Black☆Star. She barely dodges a turkey leg that flies her way.

"Hey! Watch where you're throw your garbage, Black☆Star! I just cleaned this place up, and you're screwing it up again!"

Black☆Star lifts his head out of the fridge, holding a turkey leg, soda, and a big ham and turkey sandwich that Maka was going to have for lunch. Her stomach growls when she sees the sandwich, and was about to say something about it, when Black☆Star shoved it down his gullet.

"Hey, what's this stuff?" Soul asks, looking at Blair's love potion. Maka walks over to it, and sniffs it. God, it smells like fish and mustard!

"I dunno, but don't touch it, it could be Blair's." I explain.

Soul shrugs.

"Whatever." Soul goes into his room briefly, and comes out with his football. "Hey Black☆Star! Catch!" Black☆Star as almost no time to react. He drops the turkey leg, and barely catches it.

"You see, Soul? I! The great Black☆Star, doesn't drop anything that involves him improving his strength!"

And with those words he drops the ball. Literally. Into the potion. The potion went everywhere. Patty got the worst of it because she was looking into it when Black☆Star lost grip of the ball.

"P.U.!! That STINKS!" She covers her nose and starts fanning the air with her free hand.

"Patty- you smell like Fish. Sniff. And kinda like mustard too." Kidd observes, as he touches some of the pink slime that covers Patty. "Once we get home, you are taking 8 baths."

"Hmmph! Fine!" She mutters. She then looks at some of the pink slime covering her hand. What does it taste like? She slowly licks some of it, and starts gagging at the taste. It smelled better than it tasted, that's for sure!

Tsubaki had her mouth open when the slime went everywhere, so she got a big mouthful of it. She didn't know what it was, but she swallowed it anyways. She then starts dry-heaving at the rancid after taste. Kidd licks the slime off his finger and cringes at the rotten taste. Maka had some on her lips, but didn't know, so when she licked her dry lips, a foul taste filled her mouth, and she immediately got a glass of whatever. Black☆Star full on embraced the mess, along with Soul. They both got a taste of it,  cringing slightly. None of them felt anything different, so they just cleaned up the mess, and saved as much as the potion as they could. Which was quite alot. Almost un-noticeable.


When Blair came home, she added the Pumpkin Juice,  and mixed it together. It turned a bright, pumpkin orange, which meant it was ready. She poured some into a small vial with a cork in it, and went out to test it on some men.

Everyone was quiet and sat on the couch as this happened. Nobody knew it was a love potion , but Maka figured it out 5 minutes later. Blair always makes a Love Potion, but never succeeds. Did she succeed this time?


20 minutes later, everybody went home. Everyone felt different, but only slightly to where they didn't notice at first, until after they went to bed. When they all dreamt of either their Meister, or Weapon.

Thanks for reading you guys!! ~~♥♥♥


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