It starts

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Luz N. Blight was busy reading a book in the Blight Manor's Library. Ever since she and her wife, Amity, got married, her parents insisted that she could stay in the Manor.

Amity was so happy that she and Luz would be living together. It took a while for the human to adjust because the Blights are super rich and there are a lot of doors. She even one time, walked into Emira changing and she immediately closed the door while apologizing in Spanish.

It took a week for Luz to talk to Emira again without being awkward or stuttering her words. To be honest, Em found it cute.

Luz closes her book and sighs. She looks out the window and softly smiles as she remembers her time here when she was 14.

It was a crazy journey from the past 9 years. It all started when Owlbert had stealing human things from Eda's stand.

It was a crazy journey for her. She even made history of becoming the first human to ever become a witch. She inspired everyone that anyone can be a witch.

It took a lot of hours to convince her mom to let her stay in the Boiling Isles and continue her training on becoming a witch.

Luz stood up and left the library to look for her wife. She looks at the family pictures that were hanged at the wall as she walks down the hall. The last photo was the one where she had joined the Blight family.

"Time flies so fast." Luz whispered to herself.

She walked downstairs and saw Edward cleaning the living room. She went up to him and taps his shoulder.

"Is there something concerning you, Ms. Luz?"

"Just call me Luz. Have you seen Amity?"

"She's in the garden not too long ago. Ms. Amity might be drinking tea there to clear up things in her mind. She has been acting... strange lately, and I'm starting to feel concern about her well being." Edward said that Luz couldn't help but feel worried about Amity.

"Thank you, Edward. I'll see if I can talk to her."

Luz starts to walk in the direction of the garden. She was thinking about what Edward said about Amity acting strange.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure that I can support her no matter what." Luz said to herself and opened the door to the garden.

What she hated about the garden is that it is like a maze. There were a lot of statues and she walked towards the entrance of the garden maze. Luz heard a cute faint giggle in the maze and smirked a bit because it seems like Amity has sensed her magic.

"So we're playing this, huh?" Luz asked and started running inside the maze.

"It's no use, Amity. I can sense your magic!" Luz shouted, and soon enough, she got lost in the middle of the maze. "Dang it." She sighed and smirked when she could hear footsteps.

"I guess my lovely wife isn't in this area. Maybe I should just go back." Luz teasingly said before walking a few steps forward before dodging Amity's unexpected embrace.

"No fair!" Amity yelled and squeaked in surprise when Luz began to carry her bridal style. They both giggled and shared a quick but sweet kiss.

They both left the garden maze. Luz puts Amity down on the chair and sits next to her. She wrapped her arms around her wife and kissed her cheek, which made her blush.

"Babe, Edward said that you've been acting odd lately. Is there something wrong? You know you can tell me everything?" Amity frowned a bit and nervously looked away, avoiding her wife's gaze towards her.

"It's nothing, hon." Amity replied, and Luz did not believe that. She held Amity's hand and looked at her with love in her eyes. "Amity, whatever it is your keeping, I can help." Amity gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek.

"Have you ever thought about having a family?" Luz began to feel confused and Amity shyly twirled a bit of her hair. She didn't know what her beautiful wife meant.

"But I'm already with you." Amity giggled a little of how clueless her wife still is. Just like old times.

"Darling, I mean that what if we have a baby of our own? I'm ready to start a family with you." That sentence made Luz feel like she got hit by a bus.

"A ba-baby?" Luz nervously asked, and Amity frowned at how terrified Luz looks right now.

"Too soon? I am so sorry, love. I knew that I shouldn't bring up this kind of topic." Amity said in a sad tone, and Luz began to feel guilty.

"No! I mean, I was caught off guard!" Luz began to rumble a lot of words and Amity just sat there, watching her adorable wife rambling. It was cute. She put her finger on her wife's lips and softly smiled at her.

"One at a time, Luz." Amity cooed and Luz began to blush.

"I'm... I'm just scared."

"But your great with kids."

"Yeah, but what if my own flesh and blood hates me? Will she hate me if I tell her my origins?" Luz begins to feel scared and Amity begins to feel concerned.

"Luz, you'll never know if we try. I don't think our baby will even hate you. In fact, she will see you as a hero." Luz looked at her wife and gave her a small smile.

"You really think so?" Amity nods her head and kisses Luz's cheek.

"I know so. Trust me when I say that you'll be a great mother." Luz smiled and kissed her wife softly. They broke off the kiss and they pressed their foreheads together.

"Then I want to start a family with you." Amity smiled and closed her eyes to enjoy the love that her wife was giving her. They're going to start their journey as parents.

"But how are we going to have a baby though? We're both girls." Luz asked.

"I never thought about that. Let's go ask Eda if she knows a way for us to have a baby without any man donating a little bit of them." Luz nods her head and kisses her wife's cheek.

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