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"Oh come on, Bill. It's not like you're leaving forever. Just a week." Stanley Uris stands in the doorway of Bill Denbrough's cluttered room, watching the tall boy pack.

"Y-you don't know that, S-Stan. We could get l-luh-lost. Or eaten. Or f-fall."   Bill stands up, his backpack full.  Stan rolls his eyes, smiling. "What do you even have in there?"

"Drugs. No, I'm k-kidding. First aid s-stuff and blankets." Bill looks at Stan, smiling. Stan smiles back. "Let's go before it gets dark, dumb dumb."

Bill nods and leads Stan out the door. "B-buh-bye! We'll be b-back in a week!" He quickly shuts the door and rushes to his car. Stan climbs in the passengers side. Bill shoves his bag in the trunk and climbs in the drivers side.

Bill starts to drive. Stan stares out the window. Bill glances at him. He's probably looking for birds.. He smiles. Stan gasps and basically presses his nose against the window. "A Kinglet! They're adorable." he smiles.

The drive feels long. They stop at a few gas stations and switch driving a few times. At one point Stan takes a nap, distracting Bill a little.

Bill tries to keep his eyes on the road but dear god it was so hard not to look over at Stan. He's.. beautiful when he sleeps. Bill smiles. He's probably dreaming about birds. Good old Stan the Man with his birds.. he glances at Stan, almost getting hit.

The car hits a bump in the road, waking Stan up. "Holy shit, Bill, don't die!" Bill chuckles. "It w-was just a bump, S-Stan.."

hi! the first chapter was kinda short.. I apologize and I'll try to make up for it. i hope you enjoy it so far! <3 -C

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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