"Let's do all the stupid shit that young kids do."

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Toko's POV:

Toko was at a party and avoided the others for a bit. She kept thinking of Komaru, unable to get her off her mind. She looked at Komaru from across the room. 8TEEN by Khalid playing in the background of her little fantasy scenario. She sipped her drink and continued thinking about her. 

Komaru Naegi, nicknamed Omaru. I was just clueless, but she got used to the name, and so did I. Her eyes are absolutely beautiful in the light. Her hair, which was in fact once longer than that, frames her facial structure nicely. Her hourglass shape makes me jealous. Her bubbly voice gives me serotonin at the lowest of times. Her lips make me crave feelings I'm ashamed of. Her kindness gives me warmth. I could go on. I can even write about this. She thought to herself. 

She didn't even notice the song change. She thought about Komaru for a while. She didn't even realize Togami was walking towards her. She had been wearing a nice black dress, with a sweater and heels. She actually pulled herself into showering before this. She heard Komaru and Togami were going and wanted to impress them. 

Lemon boy by Cavetown. Moomin valley references bring nostalgia from when me and Komaru watched it as kids. I miss just sitting in my room listening to Talk to me with her and I'd cry to her about Byakuya. Oh shit- Wait is he coming towards me ? 

She looked at him in the eyes. "Hey Togami." She said nervously. "Hello, Fukawa.." 

I could see the disgust on his face. I could tell he was disappointed in me, I just ignored that though. He looked nice, reallyyy nice. I mean his family is really rich, why wouldn't he. I just wore something my mother gave to me. Well something I stole from her. It's been months since I moved out. I remember before I did I was on Komaru's bed, crying and telling her what I went through. I remember how caring she was. It was the first time I experienced that. 

"Toko?" He said. "Oh, sorry. Yea?" She said going back to focusing on him. "We saw you looking our way. Not to be rude, but stop." He said. She started tearing up. She nodded and waited for him to leave. He eventually walked off and she started crying, ruining the little makeup she did to impress him. 

I just wanna see Komaru. I wasn't even looking at him. I was looking at her. I fucking hate him at times. He's so admirable though. I just wanna go back to those times with Komaru. 

Maybe I do like girls..

i don't have much to say about this chapter.

Word count: 457

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