Pound by Pound

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She minimizes her calories.
She exercises away double her calories.
She skips breakfast and lunch.
She purges supper.
She steps on the scale to see it go down by 3 pounds.
She becomes proud with the weight she has lost.
She goes to school.
She listens to the bullies as they taunt her and tell her she is gaining weight.

She doesn't consume any calories
She skips breakfast, lunch and supper.
She exercises more than usually.
She steps on the scale.
She watches as the number drops another 3 pounds.
She falls to her knees, in tears.
She grabs scissors.
She pulls out her stomach skin.
She cuts away.
She lays with her skin cut off beside her , as she lays in a pile of her own blood.
She says it's worth it.
She is either going to be skinny or dead.

|Those 3 pounds she lost, once made her happy. Now, because you told her she looked fatter, those 3 pounds no longer mean anything but that she could only loose 3 pounds.|

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