13: Sindria

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"Yes. You can control time, but to an extent. Time is something very difficult to handle. Took me some time before I could really get a grip on it. Even today, I can't fully control it."

Elisha sat there in awe.

She could control time!

"I know that look. It is nice, but use it for personal gain could cause...some complications."

"What does that mean, Gus?"

The baboon Djinn let out a small sigh.

"As of right now, I'm controlling the time in your world ever so slightly by slowing it down. Time flows differently there, so I am pacing it to somewhat match the time you spent in this world. You'll be late on getting home, but not by much as long as you don't do anything selfish."

Elisha nodded in confusion.

"Elisha, just don't stop, slow, or speed up time recklessly. It may effect the time in your world and I'm not sure by how much it will effect your home."

She nodded with a serious look.

Back home, time manipulation was pretty much a taboo and held great consequences if not handled carefully. Elisha had read up on it, but never tried studying it since it was a taboo.

After all, the magic council was on Fairy Tail's ass all the time.

"Wipe that smirk off your face. This is serious."

"Sorry, sorry. Just thinking of home."

Gusion sighed.

"I've kept you long enough. Your time in Kou is coming to an end. Sindria is a different land than here."

She yawned and nodded as her vision became fuzzy.

"See ya, Gus."

"It's Gusion."


They stood in the main hall before the emperor and his empress.

Elisha had never seen the empress, but the look the woman was giving her put Elisha on edge. It was as if she was glaring at an unwanted animal, questioning its existence.

"As tonight is your last night in Kou, I shall host a banquet for you and your friends."

"It would be an honor."

The large man smirked.

"Sinbad, if I may."

The empress spoke and everyone looked her way. She had given off a fake smile that Elisha could see right through.

"I'm sure my son has already asked, but are you sure it's okay for him to go to your country?"

Sinbad nodded.

"It's the least I could do. After all, you and your family have been so kind to us."

Elisha kept a straight face on.

Son? Which son?

Well, she could guess it couldn't be Koumei since he stays in his room constantly and Kouen probably has no current interest in visiting Sindria.

That left Kouha and Hakuryuu.

"I'm sure he will enjoy his stay in Sindria."

She nodded, but looked back at Elisha.

"I don't believe I recognize this woman and child."

"This is Elisha and Terra. They are special guests of Sindria."

More Than Bargained For {{A Fairy Tail/Magi Cross-Over}}Where stories live. Discover now