1~ The Meeting

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Roy DeSoto and John Gage walk into the day room of Station 51 to find the 4 other firemen sitting around the table.

"What's going on?" John asks seeing all the men's faces.

"Look at this," Captain Hank Stanley says handing a paper to Roy.

Roy takes the paper and reads it not believing what was on it. Johnny looks at his partner's face and can tell that it really wasn't good. "What is it Roy?"

"Just look at it," He says pushing the paper into the young man's hands.

John reads the paper and can see why all the guys had the faces they had. The paper was saying that the L.A. County committee is planning on cutting the paramedic program to balance the budget.

"They can't do that!" John yells as he slams the paper on the table.

"They sadly could," Roy says, not really wanting to. He didn't want to go back to just being a firefighter. He likes being a paramedic and he knows that his partner does too.

"Well save your thoughts boys, you two need to go to city hall. They are having a meeting about all of this," Hank tells his two paramedics.

Both men got huge smiles on their faces from hearing what their captain had said. "Thanks Cap," They say right before they run to their squad truck.

"LA, squad 51 unavailable," John says over the CB as they pull out of the station.

"10-4 51," They hear the dispatch center reply.


At city hall, the town meeting has started and the first thing up is the cut of the paramedics. A representative of the paramedics steps up to the podium. Roy and Johnny arrive as the representative is close to finishing.

"Hey boys. ‘Bout time you made it," Tim Rupp, one of the heads of the paramedic program, says seeing the boys walk in.

"Hey Tim. Haven't seen you in a while," John says as the men walk over to him.

"Been busy. Haven't had the time to visit the station."

"Excuse me! The two paramedics in back!" The woman at the podium says getting Roy and John's attentions. "What would you two think if you lost your job as a paramedic?"

The guys look at each other and Roy responds, "We wouldn't be happy going back to being just firefighters. We like saving people the way we do."

"See council, you'll be making many of your firefighter-paramedics unhappy if you make this decision. And if you get rid of men like the two in the back, you'll be making bad changes to the county. The death rate will go back up and probably will rise. When you make your decision, just try and remember all of this," The representative finishes.

"That's pretty good Miss. Monroe," The president says, "but if you really want to try and convince us, we will have another meeting Monday and you'll have another chance."

"Yes sir. Thank you."

"From what I heard, her argument was pretty good," Roy told Tim.

"She's one of our best. And here she is now. Good job Jen."

Jennifer Monroe walks up to the three men with a half smile on her face. "Thanks Tim. Now I have to figure something else out before Monday," Jennifer says with a little bit of aggravation in her voice. She hadn't had to make up such big arguments in such a short amount of time before.

"You'll do fine Jen," Tim says giving her a little hug and then remembers the paramedics standing with them. "Oh ah, Jennifer, this here is Roy DeSoto and John Gage from Station 51. Johnny, Roy, this here is Jennifer Monroe."

Jennifer reaches out and shakes both the men's hands. "Nice to meet you two. I think you two are just one of two squads I haven't met yet."

"It's nice to meet you too," Roy said. "You were good up there."

"Yeah, even the guys at the station would have liked it," Johnny states.

Jennifer looks at them both and the thought of them being paramedics finally sinks into her head. "Do you guys work Saturday?"

Both paramedics are caught off guard by the question but respond, "Yes."

Tim looks at Jennifer and can tell she had an idea. He's known her long enough and seen her work enough to know her and her looks. Jennifer turns to Tim and asks, "Can you see if I can spend the day at 51 on Saturday? I think it might help save these guys."

"I can sure do that. I'll also have to ask Captain Stanley," Tom turns to Roy and John. "You guys wouldn't mind having her around would you?"

"Oh course not," Johnny answers.

"Whatever it takes to keep our jobs," Roy adds.

"I'll ask around then and get it set up."

Jennifer gives the men a big smile. "Great." She looks at her watch and realizes the time. "I've got to go guys. I have a meeting to get to."

"Bye," The men say in unison.

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