2~ Let's Get to Work

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Jennifer Monroe cleans off her desk so she can leave for the weekend. Tim hasn't called her yet about going to Station 51 tomorrow. She hopes that she can, otherwise the program is done for. Just as she stands up, the phone on her desk rings.

"Jennifer Monroe," she says grabbing the phone while trying to put her overstuffed bag on her shoulder.

"Thank goodness I caught you before you left," Tim Rupp says with a relieved tone on the other end of the phone.

"Just barely. Whatcha need?"

"I hope you have no plans tomorrow because you're spending your Saturday with Gage and DeSoto at 51."

Jennifer gets a huge smile on her face and starts jumping up and down. "That's great! I'm so excited! I know that tomorrow will defiantly help us keep our jobs!"

Tim chuckles as he hears the young woman. He knows that the news he told her is some of the best news she has ever heard. "It better. Stay safe."

"I sure will. See you on Monday." Jennifer hangs up the phone and literally runs out of the building. She knows that tomorrow might really be what she needs to keep the program running.


Jennifer walks into the office at Station 51 early in the morning. Walking into the bay area, she instantly sees the squad and engine. Chet, Mike, and Marco were working on the engine when Chet sees a beautiful woman walk in from the office.

"Are you lost 'cause I'm here to help," Chet says approaching Jennifer.

"Cool it Kelly. She's here to observe Roy and Johnny," Hank tells Chet as he walks out of the day room.

Jennifer smiles at the short man. He seemed to try and be a lady's man to her. "I'm Jennifer Monroe."

She and Chet shake hands. "Fireman Chet Kelly."

"Have you already tried to make a move?" Johnny asks as he steps into the bay area and sees that Chet and Jennifer had met.

"No.... Not at all," he says with a guilty grin on his face as he walks back to the engine.

All of the men shake their heads as the fireman continues his work. Roy and Johnny walk up to Jennifer and give her a hug. "Let's get you a turnout coat and helmet so you don't get hurt," Roy informs Jennifer.

The three walk to the back of the Bay Area where the closet that held the gear was. Johnny pulls out a coat and a helmet and shows it to Jen. "This is the smallest size we have. It still might be a bit big on you."

Jennifer grabs the things from him and gives them both a big smile. She didn't care about the size, she was just happy to be there. She's always wanted to see firsthand what these men do every day. "It won't matter. It's not like I'll be running into the fires with you guys."

They both chuckle because they realize that it's true. Roy gladly puts the coat and helmet in the cab of the squad as John leads Jennifer into the day room. He gets her and himself a cup of coffee and sits beside her at the big table. Soon the engine was called to a trash can fire and left the paramedics and their guest to themselves.

"They really get called to something like that?" Jennifer asks the two.

Both men open their mouths to answer but were cut off by the klaxons. "Squad 51, possible animal bite."

All three of them jump from the table and run to the squad. Jennifer and Johnny get in as Roy writes down the address. Within minutes they reach a two story apartment building with a couple police men and 3 other men on the porch. The three get out of the squad and walk up to the porch. Jennifer, with her little notebook and pen in hand, puts her helmet on so the men know that she's suppose to be there.

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