Chapter Two

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I changed out of my grey and black sweats and navy blue long sleeve. And into a red burgandy tank top that has a small black and white pocket, white high waist shorts with lace on the sides, along with my black laced fringe vest and red vans. I curled my hair a little because my hair is already naturally curly and pulled my side hairs to the back with a black bow.

I quickly applied mascara,eyeliner, and red lipstick. I grabbed my Zombie Outbreak Response messenger bag and put my keys and wallet in my bag. I put my earbuds in and started listening to FallOut Boy. I locked my phone and put it in my front pocket.


I finally arrived at the one place that I can actually be calm without having to worry about anything. I took my earbuds out and unplugged them from my phone and put them in my bag.


I turned my head to the voice.

I saw my best friend, Ethan, waving me over. I walked to the booth and sat across from him.

"Hey Ethan." I said while giving him a small smile.

"So I heard the bitch got suspended. True?" He asked while raising his eyebrow at me.

"Yes it's true. Did you order my drink?" I asked smiling.

"Do you have to ask?" He said tilting his head slightly.

I responded by just shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh, by the way I invited someone." He said while drinking his coffee.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"His name is-" He got cut off.

"Yo Ethan, what's up?" A deep voice said.

We both turned our heads to the voice. I must say this guy could be a model. He had black hair and the most beautiful hazel eyes that looked almost golden.

"Hey Marcel. Glad you actually came." Ethan said while they exchanged a bro hug.

While that was happening my drink arrived. Caramel Frappachino. Yummy.

"Who's this?" Asked Marcel.

Obviously he meant me since I am in front of them.

"This is my best friend Eiza. Eiza this is Marcel." Ethan said as he introduced us.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I said as extended my hand for him to shake.

"Hi. And the pleasure is all mine." He said while taking my hand in his and smiling.

I pulled my hand out of his and turned to pull my phone out to check if I had anything. Once I saw that I had nothing, I put my phone away.

"I'll be back, I'm just going use the restroom." Ethan said while leaving me and Marcel alone.


I guess Marcel decided to use this as to sit next to me since I was close to the wall. I was just drinking from my frap when I smelt Hollister cologne and felt someone brush against my arm.

I stopped drinking and turned my head to see that Marcel scooted over closer to me.


"Your name is really beautiful. Just like you." Marcel said as he turned to look at me.

"Uh..thanks?" I said unsure.

Jesus Ethan hurry the hell up dude.

"Um, your name is pretty unique. I've never heard it before." I told him taking a sip of my drink.

"How do you and Ethan know each other?" Marcel asked.

"We met here actually. I had accidentally hit him with the door on my way out and I had said sorry about 10 times and even offered to buy him whatever drink he wanted. And I guess after that we became friends. How do you guys know each other?" I said looking at him.

"Me and him know each other since middle school. We've been inseperable ever since." He said with a small smile.

"What made the two of you become inseperable?" I asked curiously.

"Me and him liked a girl at the same time and when we found out that each of us liked her, we decided to not let a girl ruin our friendship."

Aw, that's pretty cute.

I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was already 6:45 pm.

"Can you tell Ethan that I had to leave?" I said while grabbing my drink and scooting towards an unmoving Marcel.

"Huh? Oh yea don't worry." He said while scooting out.

"Thanks. And it was nice meeting you Marcel." I said while grabbing my bag and walking out while throwing away my empty cup.

I pulled my earbuds out and started to listen to Calvin Harris.


I was dancing a little bit as I walked home. It was slightly dark, and I heard someone's heavy feet pounding against the pavement. I decided to move to the side, so I wouldn't be in that person's way.

I felt someone grab my waist and cover my mouth. Instantly, I got the smell of Hollister cologne. I kicked, but that didn't work. Then I remembered that I have sharp nails, I used that as my advantage and sinked my nails into the person's hand.

"Ah!" The person yelled and let me go.

I turned to see that it was Marcel who grabbed me and instantly ran full speed.

Good thing I take cross country.

I ripped my earbuds out of my ears and phone and threw them in my bag and closed it.

Right as I turned to my block, I heard his footsteps behind me.


When I turned to see how far behind he was from me, I'm instantly tackled to the grass infront of my house.

"Get off of me!" I yelled as I tried to pull his hands away from me.

But it was no use since he quickly got a hold if my wrists.

Get the hell off dude!

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