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Walking up to Harry's house I was calm, strangely calm. Just the thought of seeing Harry the last few days has put me on edge but now I just can't wait to see him. I just don't know what he is going to say and that scares me. Knocking on the door I breath and close my eyes.
"Ken?" Harry's voice so crystal clear rings in my ears. I open my eyes to see if what I heard was true, to see him looking back at me in concern but I could tell he was happy to see me. Walking forward I wrap my arms around him and melt into his body as a heavier cast of calm comes over me.
Chuckling Harry asked how I am and deciding not to answer I walk him backwards not letting go. Looking up to see his face I apologise for not getting back to him sooner and he just replies with hugging me deeper. After what felt like a while I decide to let go it's just going to get weird if not.
Harry clears his throat, "You want to watch a movie?" It came out small, really unsure but I agreed anyway.
Looking up at Harry hours later as he slept so peacefully I couldn't help but take in how beautiful he was. We had watched several films all Ron-coms his favourite, which I never would have suspected just looking at him. It was probably weird of me to stare but I couldn't help it and it's not often that I get this chance but mid thought I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Getting up and walking to the front door I stretched out my arms curious of who I was about to meet. Opening the door I saw a tall blonde staring back at me.
"Hello" is all she said.
"Hi, how can I help you?"
"Well I would like to know where my boyfriend is" she chuckles.
"Oh sure, I'll wake him up" closing the door I go back to the couch to wake Harry silently cursing myself for saying that.

Shaking slightly at Harry's shoulder I call his name a couple of times till he wakes, he turns over to face me as he squints his eyes to look at me as if he is trying to see me clearer.
"Harry your girlfriend is here" I simply stated. With that his eyes widened and he seemed startled. Sitting up he is still looking into my eyes, I'm not sure if they is a problem with him and his girlfriend but I'm not solving anything if that's what he needs. I can't lie I am a little shocked he never told me about her but I guess we haven't spoke in a while so it's my own fault.
Getting up from the couch still not speaking a word he leaves for the front door.

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