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"Fuck this. I'm going back to Gotham." Jason had snapped on the phone, "He doesn't know what he fucking gave up. 'Sides, my job is done here."

"Jase, what happened?" Cassie had gone back to her room once Richard had said that they were coming back when the boy called.

Jason grit his teeth, refraining from swearing more, "I beat up some cops -"

She hissed into the phone, "What? Again? Jason, how many times do I have to tell you? You can't put on the fucking suit and go around thrashing the police officers."

"Whatever." He was in no mood to listen to her nag, "I gave the damn serum to Dick and asked him to give it to you."

"What -"

"Bruce said you might need it."

"Jason Todd, you did not just -"

"I'll tell Alfred you said hi." He hung up.

Cassie stared at her cracked cell phone in horror. Richard was going to ask questions now. More fucking questions she did not want to answer. This was the reason why the girl had gotten out of the 'vigilante' business, and why she had not dropped everything and gone to Detroit to Richard when her spies had told her where he was, four years ago..

She had to recover from the bloodlust that had infected her like an incurable disease.

After giving up her room to Rachel, who didn't ask why she had looked so stressed, Cassie sulked around the kitchen. Should she just finish the $1200 bottle of wine? Of course she should. Five minutes later, she was sitting on the floor of the living room, back against the side of the sofa, with a half-empty wine bottle. Her laptop lay forgotten on the coffee table.

Kory was still awake. Cassie had heard her talk to Richard over the phone a while ago, and while it had pissed her off that he hadn't thought of calling her, she tuned out the conversation. The other two were fast asleep. There was a slight cracking of bones and then hissing, actual snake-like hissing, from Garfiled's room. This must be the sleep shifting thing he was going on and on about.

Cassie was on the edge, expecting the confrontation. Was it too late to run away? How would the others react if they walked in and found the living room in shambles? Should she go stab a murderer or a drug dealer? Would that help her feel better?

When Richard walked in, Cassie cursed her body for not letting her get drunk easily. Since she was more or less immune to various poisons and venoms, alcohol couldn't do much to her either. Not that she should have been drinking in the first place.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Richard asked, crossing his arms. He looked disapprovingly at the wine.

"Why didn't you call me?" Cassie shot back, chugging whatever was left in the bottle to take a rise out of the man. "You've known her for a couple of days but...what was it that you told Rachel? Oh, yes. 'She's still my little sister'." She scoffed to herself and turned away, "Get some sleep. You have to interrogate that man you tied up in my bathroom."

He was quiet for a while but Cassie could sense his agitation. "Fine. Let's get this out the way as well. What exactly are you pissed about?" Richard asked in exasperation.

"So many things." She got off the ground, "Like how you threw me out of the car, left me in the middle of nowhere with no way to call anyone?"

"I didn't throw you out -"

"Do you know who found me? Officer Montoya."

Slamming his suitcase on the ground with a loud noise, Richard snapped back, "You could've gone back to Wayne Manor on your own. Don't try to pin this on me."

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