01 packing my bags

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My name is Olivia. I am 16 years old and I've been diagnosed with anxiety over the past few months. My brother went to go live in Los Angles with his friends in a tiktok content house. I haven't seen him in 5 months. My parents and brother had an idea that I would do my sophomore year in LA and live with him to see if I would be happier. I also think it's a great idea and I'm really excited. Jadens friends already know me and they're like my other brothers.

*present day*

It was the night before I was leaving for LA. I was packing my bags and getting ready to leave at 5am tomorrow morning to go to the airport. I went downstairs to say goodbye to my mom and dad since I was taking an Uber in the morning to the airport. I went upstairs and went to sleep.

The next morning I changed into this:

I grabbed a banana and got into my Uber

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I grabbed a banana and got into my Uber. When I got to the airport I checked in and boarded my plane. The plane ride was long so I decided to sleep. I was woken by plane bumping on the ground for landing. Everyone left the plane and I collected my bags and texted Jaden I was coming out. He said he was waiting by the American Airlines exit.

I walked out the exit and saw a black SUV. Out from behind it came Jaden and Bryce was sitting in the drivers seat. I ran to him and jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. "How's it going monkey" he said and picked me up and squeezed me tight. It was easy because I was short and light. I let go and he put my bags in the trunk. I went over to hug Bryce. "Missed you" he said to me. "Yea I guess I could say the same" I joked. We got in the car and start driving to the sway house.it was huge.

When we got there we all walked through the door. "We're home!" Bryce shouted and the boys came running from different directions. They all hugged me and there was a boy there who have never met before. "Oh Quinton this is my little sister Olivia and Olivia this is Quinton." Jaden introduced us. I smiled at him.

I left my suitcases by the door and the boys ordered chipotle for dinner. We sat around the island in the kitchen and some of the boys stood. They were talking for a little and then Jaden started, "so liv the plan is that on Monday your gonna start at the highschool and we will get you settled this weekend into the house. What do you think?" He asked me. All the eyes were drawn to me. "Yea that's fine" I said and they all looked shocked but I just ignored it. "Okay, well your gonna have to share a room with josh and I since there's aren't any more spare rooms now that Quintons here" he continued. "Sounds good" I said and carried on eating. "Wait really?" He asked. "Yea, I'm fine with anything I'm just happy to be here" I said and I meant it.

After we finished dinner, I went up to josh and jadens room and put my bags down. I sat on the bed they set up for me and fell asleep immediately.

Jaden POV
"Hey liv I-" I start as I walk into the room but I see her lying on the bed fast asleep. I smile because I was so happy to have her back. I take off her shoes and jacket and tuck her in.

Olivia POV
I wake up and check my phone. It was only 10am. Josh was still in bed but awake on his phone and Jaden was still asleep. I lay in bed and look through my social media's. Jaden finally wakes up and we all walk downstairs. "Hey were gonna hang out by the pool today, you guys gonna join?" Griffin asks us. "Yea sure" Jaden says and josh nods. "Liv? You in?" Griffin turns to me. I hesitate. "uhh yea sure" I say. . I get a granola bar for breakfast and then run upstairs to put on a bikini:

I was tanning on one of the chairs when I felt hands wrap around me and throw me over their shoulder

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I was tanning on one of the chairs when I felt hands wrap around me and throw me over their shoulder. "No! No! Please put me down!" And with that he jumped in the pool. I swim to the surface and see it was josh. I wade up to him and jump on him and push him underwater. He picks me up again, walks out the pool and throws me in. I act all sad and pout. He jumps in and says "wait liv I'm sorry I'm so-" I cut him off by splashing him in the face and laughing. "Oh it's on olivia rose" she said and splashed me hard. We did chicken fights and I was on bryces shoulders and Jaden was on joshs. We lost because Josh kicked Bryce in the place where the sun don't shine and he fell back. It was loads of fun.

We came back in just as the sun set and had dinner. The next day we just chilled at the sway house and didn't do anything that exciting.

It was Sunday night and I had school the next day. We were all sitting in the lounge doing our own thing when I start to think about school tomorrow. what if no one likes me. what if I'm all alone. that will be so embarrassing. what if I embarrass myself. "Liv? You okay?" Anthony asks me. "Huh?" I said not really hearing what you said. "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod my head. "I'm gonna go to bed so I'm not tired at school tomorrow" I announce before I go upstairs. Jaden comes over and hugs me, "goodnight monkey" he says in a sweet tone and kisses my head.

I head upstairs and lay on my bed. I start to tear up. I'm so scared for tomorrow but I eventually fall asleep. I wake up and Jaden and josh are asleep and my chest feels tight. I check the time and it's 3:30am. My breath was trapped in my chest. holy shit I'm having a panic attack.

Josh POV

I wake up to the sound of heavy heavy breathing. I sit up and Olivia is laying on her bed completely hyperventilating. I get up and run over to her. "Hey hey hey what's going on" I ask. "I-I can't b-breath" she whispers and I have no idea what to do. "Liv calm down, please you need to calm down. Want to come sleep with me?" I ask. She nods her head and gets up. I climb into my bed and open the covers for her to get in. I put my hand on her head and pull her into my chest and rub her back. She curls into a ball and digs her head into my chest still struggling to breath. "Sshhhh" I say trying to calm her down. Eventually she calms down with a few crying hiccups here and there and then she falls asleep. I wrap my arms around her trying to make her feel safe (in a brotherly way):

 I wrap my arms around her trying to make her feel safe (in a brotherly way):

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(A/n ~ they slept like this when Olivia calmed down)

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