Blyke's side

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Author's note: I made a new Blyke and Isen story called How did we get to this point? It about Isen and Blyke going to a party.Isen gets drunk and confess his feelings to Blyke. And if they will still be friends after that.

Ever since me and Isen last hanged out at the mall he hasn't talked to me. He hasn't hanged out with me and Remi like he used to. I have noticed that Isen have dark circles under his

eyes and losses some weight. I wish he can just talk to me tell me what's going on. Blyke thinks in this thoughts. Maybe I should go to his dorm to see what's going on with him. As I walked to Isen's dorm I him talking with Arlo at the door

"So, what has been going on with you? I can see the dark circles under your eyes and it looks like you haven't been eating enough.

When was the last time you got sleep or ate?" "I haven't ate since I hangout with a friend at the mall." "Is Isen talk about me." Blyke thinks in

his head. "which was a week and half."Isen continued "I just can't eat, even when I do I

end up throwing up what I eat. As for the sleep thing I haven't slept in five days. The longest I've ever slept is one to two hours because I have been dealing with nightmares and

depression." When I heard that it broke me I can't Isen is dealing with all that? "Why you ignore Remi and Blyke?, They both haven't

focused that well in the Turf Wars because you haven't been acting like yourself." (As Arlo

would hate to admit it but he really cares about Blyke, Remi and Isen but Arlo doesn't show it.) Isen let's out a sigh and decided to tell him I-,

he gets cut off by a sound at his door. Blyke Fell on the floor causing a big sound. "OH SHIT I

HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!" Blyke says in his mind while running as fast as he can. Blyke went to Remi's dorm to tell her what Isen and Alro said. Blyke finished telling Remi the whole story. "So Isen hasn't slept in five days and the

last time he ate was when you and him last hanged out at the mall." "Yeah." " Was that the last time his talked to you?" "Yeah and then he just ignores me and you!" " what did you say to him?" Blyke turns red at Remi's question. " I-

um k-kinda told him how to tell you that I like you." BLYKE YOU DID WHAT, GOD YOU'RE SO CLUELESS!!! Remi said in her mind. She already knew that Isen likes Blyke and always thought Isen knew about it, If Blyke knew

about it he'd probably changed his feelings for him in a romantic way.Blyke and Isen have a great bond with each other not perfect but

great and they really care about each other The thoughts run through Remi's head. " Do you realize what you done, you hurt Isen feeli-

Remi was cuts off through her thoughts "That's it!" "Blyke I'll talk to you at school." Remi says as she pushes Blyke out of the door. "But-,"

Remi shut the door and grabs her laptop to go online to research something, until she founds the symptoms her eyes widened. "Isen has hanahaki disease!"

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