A Wolf

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      "Lance! Where are you?!" Pidge's voice screeched through the comms. "We're grabbing the Red Lion, but there are ships everywhere! We need help!" Lance raced through the empty halls of the galra ship.

"Okay okay! Just hold on! I'm almost there!" Lance shouted, but in reality, he was not almost there. He was hopelessly lost. Lance came to an intersection and glanced around. Left, right, ahead, left, right, ahead. "Dammit!" He growled. He turned right and ran. After a few minutes, Lance came upon the prisoner block. Cells lined the hall, but most of them were open. "Ugh!" Lance groaned. "I'm gonna be stuck here forever! Why do these places gotta be so damn complicated?!" He walked down the hall slowly catching his breath.

Movement in a cell caught his eye. Lance looked over to the cell on the right. "Hello?" He asked cautiously. He approached the cell slowly. He glanced into the cell, but it was pitch black. He took one step into it and let his eyes adjust to the darkness. He froze. Blood. The cell stank of iron. Just as he was about to bolt, he heard a whimper from one corner of the cell. "Hello?" He asked again. There was a small bundle of fur in the corner. He avoided the dried blood on the floor and made his way over to the bundle of fur.

Once he was sure that it wasn't going to do anything, He gently patted the bundle. Yellow eyes opened and glanced at him warily. Lance paused and waved a hand. "Um, hi?" The bundled whimpered again and shifted a little. A quiet growl sounded from it. Lance took a step back. "Shit, uh, hey, it's okay." He then crouched down next to it. "I'm not gonna hurt you." He said softly. Mentally Lance facepalmed. What am I suppose to do now? Should I bring it with me? The whole ship shook and the floor rumbled. Might as well. "Hey little guy, I'm going to bring you, okay? I'm here to help." Lance slid his arms under the bundle. The growling slighty intensified, but it still didn't do anything. Lance took that as a sign to keep going so he lifted it up. "Whoa, you're pretty light!" Unfortunately, that didn't seem like a good thing. Lance could feel the animal's ribs through the thick, unkept fur.

Lance staggered out of the cell and into the light of the hallway. The growling stopped and was replaced with small, quiet whimpers. Lance then looked down to see what he picked up. It looked like a... dog? It's fur was matted with blood and dirt and when Lance looked back, fresh blood droplets left a trail back into the cell.

The galra ship shook again, more intensely this time. "Lance? Lance!" Shiro yelled over the comms. "Lance, let's go! We have the Red Lion! Where are you?!"

"Uhh, by the prison cells? Dude, I honestly don't know where my lion is!" Lance said and he started running.

Pidge's voice came over the comms, "Alright I thought this might happen." Ignoring Lance's indignant Hey! She said,"I'm pulling up a map of the ship, just give me a tick." Lance stopped at an intersection. "Take a left, a right, then another right and you should see Blue."

Lance followed Pidge's instructions and found his lion. He quickly climbed into it's mouth and into the cockpit. "Thanks, Pidge! Also, I have a little friend with me guys, I found him in one of the cells."

"You took a galra prisoner?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Well kinda?" Lance said as he found a blanket in Blue's storage. He carefully wrapped the dog in the blanket and placed him in the corner. Then he hopped into the pilot seat and started flying Blue out of the galra ship. "He's more of an animal?"

"The galra are known for keeping dangerous creatures on their ship, Lance! What does it look like?" Allura asked.

Lance piloted Blue towards the castle-ship. "I mean, he doesn't look dangerous to me. He's like a big dog, but I can't see much 'cause he's covered in a loot of dirt."

The Blue Lion landed in the castle just as the castle wormholed away.

Lance picked up the dog-like creature and left the blue lion. The rest of the team was already waiting outside the lion. Shiro facepalmed. "Lance, what did you pick up?"

Lance shrugged and held the dog closer. "I dunno, Shiro, but he needs some help! Come on, Coran!" He then turned and ran to the medbay with Coran in tow, the rest of the team followed a little slower.

Pidge glanced at Shiro and Allura. "Are you really going to let Lance keep it?"

Shiro shrugged. "I let you keep Rover, didn't I?"

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