First Date 2.0

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Elena's POV

I was beyond ecstatic for today! Mine and Stefan's first date... Well not first date but second date? But would you even call it a date? He said it's just coffee.

Leave it to women to literally overthink everything. Its three right now and I'm not quite sure when Stefan's actually coming. Should I call him or text him? Why do I feel like I'm a high school girl, going on her first date! Relax Elena sit back and watch a movie. Even though I tried to calm myself down by watching a movie, it really didn't work, because this coffee date was eating me alive.

I warmed up my popcorn, grabbed a big cozy blanket and put on Dear John. It was my favorite movie, it may be sad but sad movies always pulled at my heart... it makes you feel alive. And it may or may not have to do with the fact that Channing Tatum is one fine man. Like have you seen those abs and don't even get me started on magic mike. During the middle of the movie, the doorbell rang. Instantly my mind went to Stefan. Shit! Shit! Shit! I look like a mess. Before I even had time to get out of the blanket the door opened to reveal a drool worthy Stefan standing there. He was wearing his dark grey v neck and dark jeans and let me tell you he was looking fineeeee. The moment my eyes met with his, I knew I was caught checking him out.

"STEFAN! Manners, there's such thing as privacy, I could've been changing."

He laughed, "first why would you be changing in your living room and secondly even if you were... that would be a sight to see" he grinned like the dufus he is and I blushed. Where did this new confidence of his come from? I rolled my eyes and began to clean up the mess I made.

"Oh god Elena, don't tell me you're watching another sad movie and crying your eyes out." He said flopping down on the sofa. Men. "hey, hey, hey, I love these sad movies" I defended, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yes you do beautiful, but see such a pretty face shouldn't be crying, but should be getting ready for our date today." Okay, I don't know what just happened but it's got me feeling giddy and nervous and anxious all bunched up into one.

"Yes but a certain someone never told me what time he was coming by." I said with a smug smile on my face. He put his hand on his heart, "how rude of that man, where is he let me teach him a lesson or two", he got into a fighting stance, punching the air. I couldn't hold in my laugh any longer. He was so adorable," calm down, kung fu panda" I pinched his cheek and went to my room to get ready, "HEY! If anything I'm a ninja turtle."

I didn't really spend time getting ready. I mean this was Stefan, he's seen me waking up looking like a monster, and he'll be fine if he sees me decent.

"GOOD GOD! Could you have taken any longer, I was sure I was going grow white hair in another hour or so." What is up with this sassy Stefan, I loved it. His smile, the way his eyes light up whenever he's acting all giddy. "Well sorry grandpa I already see those" I said opening the closet, to find a sweater to wear. "Geez what is it with you and Caroline calling me a grandpa all the time." He said while chucking a pillow at me, thankfully he missed. I shrugged on my coat and opened the door for him, "I can't help the fact that you're grandpa." He started laughing, he walked out but not with putting his arm around my shoulder and kissing the side of my head, "Well that must make you the grandma." We both walked to the coffee shop, talking and laughing endlessly about nothing in particular.

After we drank coffee the sun was already setting, Stefan kept telling me that he has a surprise. He said its throwback Thursday. Don't ask me okay, he thinks he's cool when he throws out these slang terms, But he's so serious when he say them that you can't help but laugh. So right now we're walking, with Stefan's hands around my eyes, to wherever this ' throwback Thursday' place is. "Are we there yet?" I asked for the umpteenth time, "almost, just keep quiet you're ruining the mood." he said. "What mood?" I chuckled out. "The, I'm an amazing boyfriend, taking my beautiful girlfriend, on a throwback Thursday date surprise". Girlfriend? Boyfriend? So we're a thing? Can he do that? He hasn't even asked? I stopped in my tracks. "Hold on buddy, boyfriend? Girlfriend? You got to ask before you can have that title."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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