22. Three Strikes?

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Hoseok returned with Mark and a beautiful woman with long, lustrous black hair and large dark shining eyes, her aura one of authority judging by the other angels demeanour.

This must be ShinHye.

She eyed the group sharply for a few moments before she disappeared again with Hoseok, no doubt into Namjoon's office to look at the damage. Taehyung and Jimin looked at one another, stress emanating off them as they waited.

Definitely one of authority, Yoongi thought. 

They returned a few minutes later, Hoseok's complexion had paled further if it was possible and everyone in the room had the same reaction.


Was this new arrival the cause? 

Everyone looked to her as she took command of the room, the soft peach colour of her Armani suit, strangely at odds with the hard look on her face. Taehyung quaked inwardly as her eyes found his, held them for a breath stealing moment, before releasing them.

"Alright," she announced, her soft voice threaded with steel, "there's no need to be anything other than straight forward," she said, her eyes flitting around the group assembled in front of her.

Taehyung and Jimin both, unconsciously move to take a protective stance with Jungkook and Yoongi, their bodies slightly angled to shield them. Of course it didn't go unnoticed by ShinHye, who grimaced a little.

Only a little.

It was more than clear Hoseok had had to come clean to her, to Mark, about  just how far each was embroiled with the other.

"There's no doubt that Eunwoo has now declared war, not on angel kind," she said, beginning to pace a little, "but on your party specifically," she said, her hand gesturing idly from the angels to the humans in the room.

"Not me," Jihoon fidgeted, "I'm not fucking an angel," he blurted out frantically as all eyes turned to him. His face darkened as he clashed eyes with Mark, who merely snorted softly.

"Unbelievable," Namjoon breathed.

"Unfortunately," ShinHye continued as though Jihoon hadn't spoken at all, "all angel kind will be dragged into it." She took a breath and looked at Jungkook, who was staring at her, oddly drawn to her.

"Considering you blatantly flouted one of our first rules. Don't get romantically involved with a human." Her gaze drifted to Taehyung and Jimin. "And to compound the error in judgement, you also revealed who you are."

This time she looked pointedly at Taehyung, who had the grace to blush furiously.

"You should be severely punished, and you will be." She held their gazes and Yoongi's heart beat accelerated wildly. What was she going to do to Jimin? he thought. What's she going to try to do to Jimin, he corrected. 

"Punished, how?" Jungkook asked, his eyes bright in his face, his palms sweating.

"Later, we'll go into that later," she told him dismissively.

"I want to know now," he all but squeaked at her, his eyes widened as she glared at him.

"Kookie," Taehyung tugged his arm gently. He didn't want his beautiful lover in the line of fire.

"If you're going to hurt them," he swallowed hard, but continued on, "I want to know now." His trembling hand reached for Taehyung's.

"Normally we would imprison them, strip them of their wings, their duties," she listed off airily, folding her arms, gazing steadily at Jungkook, "eliminate them and the ones they've revealed themselves to."

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