dd : forty-one

195 14 2

sinb takes her shoes off and looks around at jungkook's apartment. it's a small one bedroom flat. the colour of the walls painted light gray. jungkook's computer desk is a mess. lots of games are stuffed into a cupboard. sinb doesn't know what kind of mess his bedroom would be.

jjk : *scratches his nape* i know it's messy but ignore it please?

jungkook then goes into his room. sinb feels uncomfortable and just sits on his black coloured sofa.

jjk : sinb! do you want to change? i've got some clothes you could wear?

hsb : ah thanks. could i borrow something? just a shirt is enough

jjk : here. *passes her one of his pullovers* i realised i've never seen you wear anything other than your coat

hsb : *stands up and follows his voice to the room* well it's uniform

jjk : i'll order now *he leaves the bedroom*

sinb sees his clothes scattered on his bed and it looks like it left a trail on his floor. she sighs at the mess around her. it disturbs her to see he lives in such a messy environment. maybe she'll clean sometime. she then slowly changes.

hsb : *comes out and sits next to jungkook on the sofa* you should really clean around here

jjk : *laughs nervously* i know but i can't bring myself to do it

hsb : i'll help you

jjk : *smiles* thank you but let's clean up another day?

hsb : okay then

jjk : also *pulls sinb's arm and brings her closer until they're seated hip to hip* why are you so far from me?

hsb : *still stiff* i'm not used to close contact

jjk : *rubs her arm* you can relax next to me

hsb : *slowly lets her head rest on his shoulder*

jjk : are you tired?

hsb : no, i'm fine. you're just.. warm

jjk : *smiles* *his arm goes down to her waist and pulls her even closer to him* you're really cute. please hug me more

hsb : *faint blush* i'm not cute

jjk : how about me? am i cute?

hsb : tskk shut up

and they switch through channels trying to decide on a movie while their bodies are huddled together.


jungkook slowly removes his arm around sinb and goes to collect their food. he places it on top of his coffee table and goes back to sit beside her.

jjk : did you even eat dinner?

hsb : i can't remember

jjk : well you can eat with me now so that's all i need

hsb : *picks up the tteokbokki*

jjk : share!

hsb : i wasn't going to eat it all!

jjk : *laughs* yes you were!

hsb : *giggles*

jungkook can't seem to take his eyes off her. they had eaten together a couple of times and jungkook can't help but notice how sinb chews her food really slowly and eats in small bites. her face and all her delicate features look so small. she was so adorable and his hoodie on her seemed perfect. she doesn't show it but he can see her eyes light up while taking a bite from her favourite food. jungkook thinks he's so proud of her. she's been eating more comfortably around him and even eats a little more than she used to. he's happy he's got to see her like this. she's healthier and he thinks she notices this too.

hsb : *catches his stare* why aren't you eating? you even ordered so much pizza

jjk : nothing. i just think you're really pretty

hsb : s-stop with the random compliments

jjk : i can't help it. my girlfriend is so attractive *smirks*

hsb : shut up! just eat, jeon! *pouts*


jjk : stay

hsb : *confused* *lifts her head from his shoulder and looks up at him* what?

jjk : stay. with me, i mean. tonight? it's late

hsb : *murmurs* thank you

jjk : for?

hsb : i didn't say anything

jjk : *grins* okay then



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