Never Ending

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So now that y'all know my biggest secret I guess I may as well spill the rest of my "not so interesting" life story.
So when I was 1o my mom went to prison...that's when my whole world got flipped upside down. Yeah my mom wasn't the "perfect" mom and she didn't give me a "perfect" life. But regardless...she was still the woman who gave birth to me...she was still my mom, but from that moment I knew I had to hide all my pain...hold everything in...and that's when I became a cutter....later on down the road I started getting bullied for (my hair, my looks, weight) so at the age of 12 I stated bendge eating ... I would eat and whatever I ate...I would make myself throw up...and sometimes I just wouldn't eat... No one ever noticed... But the boys did. Because after losing 15-20 pounds and started wearing makeup...they seemed to notice me as if I were a fly in maybe y'all are thinking..."why is this bad?" Well...because I thought I've got the boys attention why not do it more? And so I did. And it eventually got out of hand...
But now I'm stuck...I'm stuck doing this...I'm stuck self harming...I'm stuck in life.

(Next chapter will be so much better I promise I just don't have a lot of time to write and put thought into my text while also trying to study for finals
But have a good week guys😊)

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