Just another day at NXT

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I wake up to the sun shinning in on me its first full year at WWE NXT for traning i have one mounth to go till im in the wwe im hoping to become the best that could ever be i wanna become the best so i get up and take a shower i do my hair and i put my hair up in a pony tail with a black bow i put my zayyyam shirt on with you gotta bae on the back and my red Brie bella cut up pants i head to the traning room and i start to pratice like non stop i kick stuff i punch punching bags i just keep on working out for about 3 to 4 hours after that i head to the catering area and i get something to eat i head to the back and i run into Alixa Bliss hey gurll hey alexia huggs me then all of a sudden i run into a another girl i have never seen her befor so i go up to her hey are you knew here i ask her yeah my name is Alixea Rose really how wired my name is chloe Rose oh how intersting thats cool how we have the sanme last names i say giggling yeah it is aleixa replyes well hey i gotta go alexa says okay Bye well that was very wired i say to myself hmm anyway im gonna head home and go chill in my hot tub i think to my self well it is 2pm already i seen this really hot guy at the food stand while i was eating he was musculer some what tall he had blondish brownish hair and he was waring a head band that said woo woo woo you know it i start thinking to my self who was that he looked familer but i couldnt place his face then boom snap back to reality its zack ryder oh my god he is so freaking hot as hell oh btw i forgot to say my real name my real name is Samantha louise tanner my dream was to be a wwe diva since i was 17 now im 21 and my dreams have all came true after i got out of the hot tub i called up alexia bliss to see if she wanted to chill at my house for a while so she came over and we just goofed around hung out lisnted to music and we ate we desided to play truth or dare i go first cholie truth or dare aleixa asks me truth who do you have a crush on in the wwe and or the wwe nxt Zack ryder i say smiling oh hes cute aleixa says we both burst out laughing okay aleixa truth or dare dare she says i dare you too go outside in your ring gear and run outside around the block and say im in love with a stripper okay deal she says so she puts on her gear and runs around the block and says im in love with a stripper theres cars honking at her and people staring and im in the backyard laughing my ass off while watching she comes back okay now that thats over i say giggling nun stop your turn okay truth or dare aliexa asks me dare okay i dare you to get on top of the roof and top all the way down from the roof and land on the trampalean and do a flip okay so i run out side i get obn the roof and i jump as im falling i scream free falling then i hit the trampalean and i do a flip twice okay done i say aha well then enugh of being kids now aha well i gotta go by the time we were done screwing around it was 8pm damn fun times with aleixa tho i put on my pjs and and climbed into bed and just smile at the thought of my life god do i love my life i wouldnt want it any other way then i calmly and slowly fall fast asleep

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