20| The Night Of The Gala (2)

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"How can you do this, Sean? You made a commitment to me. You were supposed to be here." Althea shouted in the phone.

"I am sorry Althea but I have made some other plans. It's not a big deal. You can go to the gala alone." The masculine voice responded from the other side of the phone.

"Not a big deal? Seriously?" She exasperated. "Are you high or something?"

"Um... I need to go. My friends are here." He cut the call and Althea threw the phone towards her bed.

Her makeup artists, maid and hairstylist, all three of them were lined up near the door, watching Althea freak out. She was completely ready to enter the gala, her makeup done to perfection and her hair styled in curls streaming down her back. The only thing that had yet to arrive was her date, who decided to ditch her at the last moment.

"Do... Do you need anything, Madam?" The maid asked and Althea threw daggers at her with her eyes.

"I just want to escape the humiliation of not having Sean here. Can you do that?" She asked and the maid shook her head. "Figured." She said and took off her heels, pushing them away.

For the last half an hour, she had went downstairs ten times to check if Sean had arrived and when she finally called him, he told her that he couldn't attend. Althea felt enraged because it was the first time someone had ditched her. Nobody had dared to do such disrespect before.

"Get out. Everyone." She said and hid her face in between her palms. One by one, footsteps walked out of her room but then she heard someone walk in. Angered, she lifted her head and frowned when she found Ethan there.

Althea looked so beautiful in that dress that Ethan's heart immediately warmed up. For him, she was the most beautiful girl in the world, since the first time he laid his eyes on her. No matter how many girls he has been with, it was only Althea who had the ability to make his heart beat faster. "What happened, Princess?" He asked, noticing her state.

"Sean is not coming." She whispered.

Call him selfish but it felt good to know that he wasn't coming. He couldn't see her in someone else's arms.

"So what? Nobody cares about this Sean." He said and seated himself beside her.

"I do. I had told everyone about him. Zoey, Olive, Zachary, Mom." She said.

"You know what, Thea? He is stupid. That's the only explanation why he would ditch the chance of being your date." Ethan said to comfort her. "And I know you have been waiting for this gala since last year. You can't let him ruin this for you."

"What should I do then?" She lifted her head and there was a thin layer of moisture coating her eyeball.

Smiling, Ethan knelt in front of him and slid her feet inside the sandals once again. "You can come with me."

Althea chuckled at this. "You? Don't you have your new flavour waiting for you?" Ethan had a new girl with him every week and she never approved his attitude towards dating.

"Who cares? I have told you before. You are the most important girl in the world for me." He said and the ice around Althea's heart melted a little. Just a little because she knew it was all part of his playboy charm.

"And you are my brother's best friend, Ethan." She reminded him.

"Zachary won't mind. Besides, do you have any other option?" He smirked. Althea weighed each option. She didn't want to look like a loser by going alone and she definitely didn't want anyone a reason to talk behind her back.

"Fine. But don't get cocky. It is just for tonight." She said and placed her hand over his stretched out palm.


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