Chapter 10: Friends?

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Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
~John F. Kennedy

It was an awkward silence

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It was an awkward silence. We were all continuing to finish the project.

You saw Hani put her pencil down and got up to stretch.

"It's almost time to eat I say we go get your friends and eat altogether as a big family." Hani said looking straight into your eyes.


You read someone's mind.


"I think it's best if it's just us, that way we can finish the project." Irene interrupted you.

"How did-"

"Let's get going then, I'm hungry!" Hani said rubbing her stomach.

We all packed out stuff and got ready for lunch. Irene decided it'd be best to eat outside, because people rarely eat outside on the bench.

"I'm going to get something at the vending machine do you guys want anything." Hani said before standing up.

Irene and you shook your head and quickly got back to the project. You were staring into space. It was pretty quiet and all you guys heard were the birds talking and the trees singing.

You wanted to ask Irene something, but you were afraid. She was very intimidating and it made you tense up every time she looked at you.

"Do you have something to say? You look confused." Irene asked before putting her pencil down and drinking her water.

"Do you hate me?" You asked wanting to clear things up.

You saw how her eyes flashed.

"No." Irene answered blatantly.

Your face started to heat up. It was wrong of you to assume something.

"I-I see."

You looked at Irene to see her reaction. She was still staring at you and it looked like something was on her mind.

Nature was the only thing being heard now.

"I'm back!"

You turned your head to see Hani walking back with cans of soda.

"I know you guys said you didn't want anything, but that wouldn't be nice." Hani said placing the cans on the table.

            After lunch ended you had walked to your next class. You noticed someone's shadow was following you, but pretended it was nothing.
Although you decided to ignore the shadow, it got closer as if they were about to attack.

You turned around to see Hani.

"Finally you turned around I was waiting for you to notice me."

"You're going to the same class as me?" You asked.

Hani nodded.

You guys had walked together to class not seeing any of the boys in progress. You sat down with Hani and checked you phone for notifications.

30 unread messages from Hoseok✨🌸
5 unread messages from Jungkook💫🐰

Hoseok had spammed all 30 messages with the question, "where are you?!"

Jungkook had only sent question marks.

You forgot you silenced your phone. You put your phone down and just layed your head down waiting for class to start.
                                   ✿ ❁ ✿
You were walking on the sidewalk back to the dorm since you didn't come by car. There were plenty of students that were walking on the sidewalk. You noticed Irene was one of them and she was in front of you

Okay all you need to do is stay out of her sight!

So far it's been 4 minutes and she hasn't noticed. Going to your dorm by car would take 5 minutes, but walking would take at most 10.

Irene suddenly turned around.

"I'm not following you!" You said quickly without a second thought.

Irene suddenly lifted her brows.

"I hope you weren't."

You turned your head to hide how embarrassed you were.

Suddenly you heard a laugh.

"I'm just joking with you!"

You turned back to see Irene laughing hard.

"Please don't laugh at me it's embarrassing," you managed to say.

"I'm sorry, b-but your reactions are so funny!" Irene said before letting out another laugh.

"It's pretty nice to be your friend." She added.

Friends?  When did that happen?

"Oh Yeah." You said slurring the ending.

Irene suddenly stopped laughing. Her face was serious.

"Okay then." She nodded before walking to her dorm.

                                  ✿ ❁ ✿
You entered your dorm to be met with the girls at the table.

The festival is next week and you were discussing the upcoming tournament in 3 months.

"You know you don't have to worry about the tournament you have a good rank." Jihyo said assuring you to not be anxious.

"I'm not really worried about that it's something else." You answered her.

You were more worried about the message in the nightmare.

Your phone suddenly ringed in your pocket. It was Jungkook. You forgot you were going to message them once you get home.

"Hi!" You answered enthusiastically hoping he would lose the sad frown on his face.

"Where were you today? I didn't see you all day except in the morning."

"Sorry, just had a tight schedule," you apologized.

"You know when we didn't see you at lunch today, Hoseok started panicking." He added.

"Why was he panicking?!" You asked with concern.

"He kept thinking the reason why you didn't come was because of yesterday and he blamed himself."

You felt really bad. You'll clear things up with Hoseok  tomorrow.

"The upcoming tournament and festival, how's that going for you?" He asked.

"It's a little nerve wracking, but I can managed." You answered him.

"Ah Okay I'll let you go work on your homework then."

You said your goodbyes and went downstairs to work with the girls. With one thought in your mind.

Hoping that you wouldn't get the same nightmare again.

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