Chapter 2 #asshole

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Your POV:
"Hey guys can we meet at the junkyard later today?" Mike asks leaning against my locker. "Yeah why?" You ask.
"My mom won't stop bugging me!" He sighs. You giggle.
"What time we meeting?" Dustin asks.
"20 mins?"
"Yeah." Everyone says.
You all get to the bike racks and you feel a tap on your shoulder. You spin around and see one of the new kids smirking at you. You notice a few people behind him. "Hi?" You say more like a question. "Hi I'm Henry." He says still smirking. "I'm Rosalie Bella." I smile and shake his hand.
Richies POV:
You walk outside half listening to Eddie and Stan's conversation half thinking about that girl.
You stop dead in your tracks and see her shaking hands with Bowers! You feel anger, jealousy, sadness, betrayal and shock. You grab you bike and ride home.
Your POV:
"He was nice." El says to you as you grab your bike. "And cute," Max adds "you should ask him out." She states.
"Nah not my type." Max looks at you in shock.
"What? I have a bad feeling about him." You frown. "See ya in 20."
You hug Will, El and Max and wave to the others.
You get home and dump your bag and go to your room to get changed into a short black skirt, a white crop top and white sandals with pink flowers on them. You leave you hair as it is. You have time to spare so you go to scoops ahoy and grab a butterscotch ice cream. Once your finished you have 5 mins so you take the long route to the junkyard. 2 mins later you hear a cry of pain and cycle towards the sound. You see Henry laughing at a group of boys you realise it's the boys who stared at you during lunch. One of them is on the ground with a busted lip and a cut knee. Anger bubbles inside of you. You drop your bike and storm towards Henry as you shout "HEY ASSHOLE!" You hook punched his face...

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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