Chapter Three: The Risk of Choosing Dare over Truth

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"Ella, that's a really nice drawing,"

"Maybe sometime you can teach me some techniques?"

"You're so talented."

I love my art class but I hate it when they over-complimented my drawings. I am not that arrogant, selfish, or whatever term you used, but the drawing I'm working on right now is still the beginning. I have just started drawing a couple of minutes ago and people already swarm over me to see the masterpiece I have yet to draw.

The thing is, I have only drawn the grasses. Nothing more. So stop bothering me, people.

"It's really cool, but what drawing is that? Maybe only you can understand the picture? I don't know, with secret codes and stuff..." a boy in my class asked.

"I'm trying to draw a cow." I lied, looking at him as innocent as possible. I'm actually trying to draw a place I always dream of. Green thick grasses, half orange sunset, mountains, blue river, and everything nice. But I'm so frustated so I lied. I'm Mojo Jojo now and I don't care.

"Where's the cow?"

I did tell you that I have just started drawing a couple of minutes ago, right?

"Oh! The cow has gone to another place because the grass is running out." I said with a sheepish smile on my lips.

"Where did the cow go?" Oh. He believes it.

"To your heart, dear. To destroy it, idiot. I can't believe you actually believed it, Quinton." Natalie rolled her eyes at the boy or Quinton.

"I'm just asking," he pouted.

Around twenty minutes has passed. Thanks God less people is now swarming over me. Or my cow. Where the hell is Ms. Robinson? Isn't she going to come? She left earlier to deliver some package to her cousin, but the post is not that far...

Let's just assume that she went away, leaving us, and go on a date with her package.

I bet you guys my peter pan doll that the package was condoms. What a protective cousin. I don't know why she sent her cousin that because me myself don't believe it that one time a condom slip off the box at class.

While I was thinking about the possible reasons why she sent condoms instead of food, someone suddenly kneel in front of my table and...

"Ella, I love you."

My mouth hangs open, my body froze, my left eye twitch as I slowly look at Quinton, who has said those cursed words. If I'm using a wooden pencil to draw, I'm sure it'll break into ashes right now.

The hell?!

"There! I've done the dare!" he said standing up to join the group they play the game.

May your life be miserable. I thought. No, I thought he was being serious. But no, that jerk have to said that to make me look like a whale.

Hungry whale.

After the dare, Quinton and his friends that played the game with him gathered at my table and invited me to play.

"No" I said turning my face to the paper and let my mechanic pencil touch it and resume drawing.

"C'mon! Don't be so shy!"

"I'm not shy, but this class is not for playing."

"Okay, whatever."

They continued the game and more and more people's life is destroyed by this guys right here (where Quinton is the only boy, if I may add because I don't really count Frank as a boy). I wanted to join, but...I'm scared to socialize that far.

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