Part 11

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Sweat pea POV
We woke up the next morning me and fangs woke up first as Betty was still asleep probably exhausted from crying last night I looked at fangs and whispered "good morning" he replied "morning" whispering aswell not wanting to wake up the blond Beauty  in the middle of us we looked down at Betty and smiled she was honestly such a cutie without even noticing she was cuddled into our arms still cuddling the cuddly lion we had won her the night before she moved a little and snuggled more into us but she was still asleep we've only cuddled 2 times but you can tell she loves cuddles even though I know she won't admit it fangs chuckled slightly and whispered "we've got a cuddler on our hands" I laughed quietly "yep and we need to make sure we give her as many cuddles as her heart desires" I said he smiled softly and nodded were both concerned for Betty she's our girlfriend and as her 2 boyfriends it's our job to worry about her that nightmare that she had seemed pretty bad she was petrified and it seems like she has them often I think we'll ask her about it when she wakes up but only if she's ok with it we need to go slow with her she's trusted us with a lot already I don't want her to feel like she has to tell us anything

About 15 minutes later a certain blonde haired Beauty started to stir me and fangs turned to her as she opened her eyes tiredly we smiled at her I said "good morning baby" and fangs said "good morning princess" she hid her face under the blankets so we couldn't see her blush she was adorable we laughed at her and then she snuggled into us "you like cuddles don't you" fangs said she giggled god that giggle could light up any dark room we just enjoyed the moment for a few minutes until Betty spoke up "I'm really sorry about last night" she said we both new what she meant she was referring to her nightmare "hey cuddlebug we told you you don't have to be embarrassed" I said fangs nodded "yeah we're always here to help you that's what boyfriends are for" fangs said she smiled widely "what got you so smiley" I asked she replied "It was just nice hearing that you were my boyfriends" she said we kissed her on the lips "we do want to ask you about a couple things about you nightmares though is that ok" fangs said she nodded hesitating "don't worry we won't ask what it was about" I said she let out a breath of relief "ok so how often do you get them" fangs said "at least once every night sometimes 2 if it's a bad night" she replied I felt my heart break if I was her I'd be petrified to even fall asleep "ok how long does it normally take for you to calm down" I asked she replied "usually about half an hour I'm not sure though it's definitely not quick" we both looked shocked "have you gone to the doctor to see if there any medication you could take" fangs asked she nodded "they gave me different medication to help me sleep but I found out that when I had nightmares I would sleep through them wich is terrifying not being able to wake up so the doctor said I was better without it" she said we both had tears in our eyes now that I notice it when she's came to the bar in the past you can see how tired she is "I'm sorry princess" I said fangs nodded she smiled softly at us "it's ok I've been getting nightmares since I was 5" Betty replied I felt so sad for her she's such a sweet and pure girl she the type of person I just want wrap in a cuddle and never let go and just protect her from everything bad in the world but unfortunately I can't anyway we just lay in bed for a while "shit" Betty sais "what" I ask concerned "you saw my scars" she said looking down at her arms and legs "yeah we did but you don't need to tell us were there from not until your comfortable" fangs said I nodded "he's right we want you to feel safe with us not under pressure" I added she looked at us and said "I want to tell you guys at some point but I want to tell the other serpents aswell I'm really starting to trust all of you I just don't want to tell you yet because me saying all of it is going to be really hard" she said we nodded understandably I'm really glad she's starting to trust and open up to us more not just us but the other serpents alswell she's only been to the bar for a few times but every serpent loves her even the older serpents everyone wants to make her feel loved

We stayed in bed for a little longer just talking and getting to know each other more Betty asked if there was any animal shelters near by since she just likes to visit them we recommended one that was on the north side she seemed to be really passionate about animals it's honestly really sweet the look in the eyes when she talks about something she loves could make anyway sad person smile we also learned that she's scared everyone at schools gonna finds out she lives on the south side I can definitely see where she's coming from the south side is very rough and the people in it aren't  nice I'm not talking about the serpents because they only harm people that have harmed them but I'm talking about everyone else who lives here she also likes to write a lot and is running her schools newspaper but she likes writing poetry the best I swear there's nothing that girl can't do we also talked about our interests to her she was a very good listener it seemed like when we were talking there's not a word she misses that something I love about her she seemes extremely loyal anyway after about a hour of talking "as much as I would love to talk all day I need to get going" Betty said we both nodded "where are you going" fangs asked "I need to go to the grocery store since I have nothing in my trailer I need to do laundry and iron my clothes for the week and I also need to clean up a bit then if I have time I might go to that animal shelter" she replied I think that's when it hit me and fangs how fast she had to grow up Betty's 16 years old and were 18 years old and barley clean our own dishes it's quite sad "ok your working tomorrow right" I asked she nodded "I'll see you at the bar after school" she replied she gave us each a kiss on the lips and got her jeans on from yesterday and left the shirt on her as I said she could keep it we said our goodbyes and sighed as we watched her leave already missing having her beside us "dam we're so whipped" fangs said I chuckled "yep no one can blame us though I mean she's made all the serpents young and old soft" I replied he laughed and we got up for the day

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